Bug Summary

Warning:line 475, column 27
Array access (via field 'f32') results in a null pointer dereference

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -pic-is-pie -mframe-pointer=none -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -target-feature +sse2 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fdebug-compilation-dir=/home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/lib/nnc -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/lib/nnc -resource-dir /usr/local/lib/clang/19 -I ../ -I /usr/local/cuda/include -D HAVE_CBLAS -D HAVE_LIBPNG -D HAVE_LIBJPEG -D HAVE_FFTW3 -D HAVE_PTHREAD -D HAVE_LIBLINEAR -D HAVE_TESSERACT -D HAVE_AVCODEC -D HAVE_AVFORMAT -D HAVE_AVUTIL -D HAVE_SWSCALE -D HAVE_SSE2 -D HAVE_GSL -D HAVE_CUDA -D HAVE_CUDNN -D HAVE_NCCL -D USE_SYSTEM_CUB -I /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/lib/clang/19/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O3 -ferror-limit 19 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fskip-odr-check-in-gmf -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/_analyze/2025-01-01-094452-20571-1 -x c ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c
1#include "ccv_nnc.h"
2#include "ccv_nnc_easy.h"
3#include "ccv_nnc_internal.h"
4#include "ccv_internal.h"
5#include "_ccv_cnnp_dataframe.h"
6#include "3rdparty/sfmt/SFMT.h"
8// MARK - Create Dataframe from Array
10static void _ccv_cnnp_array_enum(const int column_idx, const int* const row_idxs, const int row_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
12 int i;
13 ccv_array_t* const array = (ccv_array_t*)context;
14 for (i = 0; i < row_size; i++)
15 data[i] = ccv_array_get(array, row_idxs[i])((void*)(((char*)((array)->data)) + (size_t)(array)->rsize
* (size_t)(row_idxs[i])))
18ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* ccv_cnnp_dataframe_from_array_new(ccv_array_t* const array)
20 const ccv_cnnp_column_data_t array_column_data = {
21 .data_enum = _ccv_cnnp_array_enum,
22 .context = array
23 };
24 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_new(&array_column_data, 1, array->rnum);
27typedef struct {
28 ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t tuple;
29 int tensor_offset;
30 int device_id;
31} ccv_cnnp_copy_to_gpu_context_t;
33// MARK - Copy Tensors from CPU to GPU
35static void _ccv_cnnp_tensor_list_deinit(void* const data, void* const context)
37 ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t* const tuple = (ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t*)context;
38 ccv_nnc_tensor_t** const tensor_list = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)data;
39 int i;
40 for (i = 0; i < tuple->size; i++)
41 if (tensor_list[i])
42 ccv_nnc_tensor_free(tensor_list[i]);
43 ccfreefree(tensor_list);
46static void _ccv_cnnp_copy_to_gpu(void* const* const* const column_data, const int column_size, const int batch_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
48 const ccv_cnnp_copy_to_gpu_context_t* const copy_to_gpu_context = (ccv_cnnp_copy_to_gpu_context_t*)context;
49 int i, j;
50 for (i = 0; i < batch_size; i++)
51 {
52 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const* const inputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const*)column_data[0][i] + copy_to_gpu_context->tensor_offset;
53 ccv_nnc_tensor_t** outputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)data[i];
54 if (!outputs)
55 outputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)(data[i] = cccalloccalloc(copy_to_gpu_context->tuple.size, sizeof(ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)));
56 for (j = 0; j < copy_to_gpu_context->tuple.size; j++)
57 {
58 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params = inputs[j]->info;
59 params.type &= ~CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY;
60 params.type |= CCV_TENSOR_GPU_MEMORY; // Change to GPU memory.
61 CCV_TENSOR_SET_DEVICE_ID(params.type, copy_to_gpu_context->device_id)(params.type) = (((params.type) & ~0xfff00) | (((copy_to_gpu_context
->device_id) & 0xfff) << 8))
62 outputs[j] = outputs[j] ? ccv_nnc_tensor_resize(outputs[j], params) : ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, params, 0);
63 ccv_nnc_tensor_pin_memory(inputs[j]);
64 }
65 ccv_nnc_cmd_exec(CMD_DATA_TRANSFER_FORWARD()ccv_nnc_cmd(CCV_NNC_DATA_TRANSFER_FORWARD, 0, ccv_nnc_cmd_auto
, 0)
, ccv_nnc_no_hint, 0, inputs, copy_to_gpu_context->tuple.size, outputs, copy_to_gpu_context->tuple.size, stream_context);
66 }
69int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_copy_to_gpu(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const int column_idx, const int tensor_offset, const int tensor_size, const int device_id, const char* name)
71 assert(tensor_size > 0)((void) sizeof ((tensor_size > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (tensor_size > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("tensor_size > 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 71, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
72 int stream_type = CCV_STREAM_CONTEXT_GPU;
73 CCV_STREAM_SET_DEVICE_ID(stream_type, device_id)(stream_type) = (((stream_type) & ~0xfff00) | (((device_id
) & 0xfff) << 8))
74 ccv_cnnp_copy_to_gpu_context_t* const copy_to_gpu_context = (ccv_cnnp_copy_to_gpu_context_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_cnnp_copy_to_gpu_context_t));
75 copy_to_gpu_context->tuple.size = tensor_size;
76 copy_to_gpu_context->tensor_offset = tensor_offset;
77 copy_to_gpu_context->device_id = device_id;
78 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_map(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_copy_to_gpu, stream_type, _ccv_cnnp_tensor_list_deinit, COLUMN_ID_LIST(column_idx)(const int []){column_idx}, (1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1)
, copy_to_gpu_context, (ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)ccfreefree, name);
81// MARK - Use Command to Generate Output Tuple
83typedef struct {
84 ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t tuple;
85 int input_offset;
86 int input_size;
87 ccv_nnc_cmd_t cmd;
88 ccv_nnc_hint_t hint;
89 int flags;
90 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t output_params[1];
91} ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_context_t;
93static void _ccv_cnnp_dataframe_cmd_exec(void* const* const* const column_data, const int column_size, const int batch_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
95 const ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_context_t* const cmd_exec_context = (ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_context_t*)context;
96 int i, j;
97 for (i = 0; i < batch_size; i++)
98 {
99 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const* const inputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const*)column_data[0][i] + cmd_exec_context->input_offset;
100 ccv_nnc_tensor_t** outputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)data[i];
101 if (!outputs)
102 {
103 outputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)(data[i] = ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_nnc_tensor_t*) * cmd_exec_context->tuple.size));
104 for (j = 0; j < cmd_exec_context->tuple.size; j++)
105 outputs[j] = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, cmd_exec_context->output_params[j], 0);
106 }
107 ccv_nnc_cmd_exec(cmd_exec_context->cmd, cmd_exec_context->hint, cmd_exec_context->flags, inputs, cmd_exec_context->input_size, outputs, cmd_exec_context->tuple.size, stream_context);
108 }
111int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_cmd_exec(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const int column_idx, const ccv_nnc_cmd_t cmd, const ccv_nnc_hint_t hint, const int flags, const int input_offset, const int input_size, const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t* const output_params, const int output_size, const int stream_type, const char* name)
113 assert(input_size > 0)((void) sizeof ((input_size > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (input_size > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("input_size > 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 113, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
114 assert(output_size > 0)((void) sizeof ((output_size > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (output_size > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("output_size > 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 114, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
115 ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_context_t* const cmd_exec_context = (ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_context_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_cnnp_cmd_exec_context_t) + sizeof(ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t) * (output_size - 1));
116 cmd_exec_context->tuple.size = output_size;
117 cmd_exec_context->input_offset = input_offset;
118 cmd_exec_context->input_size = input_size;
119 cmd_exec_context->cmd = cmd;
120 cmd_exec_context->hint = hint;
121 cmd_exec_context->flags = flags;
122 memcpy(cmd_exec_context->output_params, output_params, sizeof(ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t) * output_size);
123 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_map(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_dataframe_cmd_exec, stream_type, _ccv_cnnp_tensor_list_deinit, COLUMN_ID_LIST(column_idx)(const int []){column_idx}, (1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1)
, cmd_exec_context, (ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)ccfreefree, name);
124 return 0;
127// MARK - Make Auxiliary Tensor as a new Column
129static void _ccv_cnnp_tensor_deinit(void* const data, void* const context)
131 ccv_nnc_tensor_free((ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)data);
134static void _ccv_cnnp_tensor_new(const int column_idx, const int* const row_idxs, const int row_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
136 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params = *(ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t*)context;
137 int i;
138 for (i = 0; i < row_size; i++)
139 if (!data[i])
140 data[i] = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, params, 0);
143int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_add_aux(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params, const char* name)
145 int stream_type = CCV_TENSOR_GET_MEMORY(params.type)((params.type) & 0x3) == CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY ? 0 : CCV_STREAM_CONTEXT_GPU;
146 if (stream_type == CCV_STREAM_CONTEXT_GPU)
147 CCV_STREAM_SET_DEVICE_ID(stream_type, CCV_TENSOR_GET_DEVICE_ID(params.type))(stream_type) = (((stream_type) & ~0xfff00) | ((((((params
.type) & 0xfff00) >> 8)) & 0xfff) << 8))
148 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t* const context = (ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t));
149 context[0] = params;
150 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_add(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_tensor_new, stream_type, _ccv_cnnp_tensor_deinit, context, (ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)ccfreefree, name);
153// MARK - Load Tensor from File Path
155static void _ccv_cnnp_image_deinit(void* const data, void* const context)
157 ccv_matrix_free(data);
160static void _ccv_cnnp_read_image(void* const* const* const column_data, const int column_size, const int batch_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
162 parallel_for(i, batch_size){ int i; for ((i) = 0; (i) < (batch_size); (i)++) { {
163 if (data[i])
164 ccv_matrix_free(data[i]);
165 off_t structof = (off_t)context;
166 const char* const filename = *(char* const*)((const char*)column_data[0][i] + structof);
167 data[i] = 0;
168 ccv_read(filename, (ccv_dense_matrix_t**)&data[i], CCV_IO_ANY_FILE | CCV_IO_RGB_COLOR)ccv_read_impl(filename, (ccv_dense_matrix_t**)&data[i], CCV_IO_ANY_FILE
| CCV_IO_RGB_COLOR, 0, 0, 0)
169 } parallel_endfor} }
172int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_read_image(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const int column_idx, const off_t structof, const char* name)
174 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_map(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_read_image, 0, _ccv_cnnp_image_deinit, COLUMN_ID_LIST(column_idx)(const int []){column_idx}, (1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1)
, (void*)(uintptr_t)structof, 0, name);
177// MARK - Apply Random Jitter to Image
179typedef struct {
180 sfmt_t sfmt;
181 int datatype;
182 ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_t random_jitter;
183} ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_context_t;
185static void _ccv_cnnp_image_lighting(ccv_dense_matrix_t* image, const float alpha_r, const float alpha_g, const float alpha_b)
187 assert(CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(image->type) == CCV_32F)((void) sizeof ((((image->type) & 0xFF000) == CCV_32F)
? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (((image->type) & 0xFF000
) == CCV_32F) ; else __assert_fail ("CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(image->type) == CCV_32F"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 187, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
188 assert(CCV_GET_CHANNEL(image->type) == CCV_C3)((void) sizeof ((((image->type) & 0xFFF) == CCV_C3) ? 1
: 0), __extension__ ({ if (((image->type) & 0xFFF) ==
CCV_C3) ; else __assert_fail ("CCV_GET_CHANNEL(image->type) == CCV_C3"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 188, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
189 // These eigenvector values can be computed out of imageNet dataset (see ccv_convnet for how that is done). Here I just copied
190 // from mxnet: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/blob/master/src/operator/image/image_random-inl.h#L632
191 const float pca_r = alpha_r * (55.46 * -0.5675) + alpha_g * (4.794 * 0.7192) + alpha_b * (1.148 * 0.4009);
192 const float pca_g = alpha_r * (55.46 * -0.5808) + alpha_g * (4.794 * -0.0045) + alpha_b * (1.148 * -0.8140);
193 const float pca_b = alpha_r * (55.46 * -0.5836) + alpha_g * (4.794 * -0.6948) + alpha_b * (1.148 * 0.4203);
194 int i;
195 const int size = image->rows * image->cols;
196 float* const ptr = image->data.f32;
197 for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
198 {
199 ptr[i * 3] = ccv_clamp(ptr[i * 3] + pca_r, 0, 255)({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (255) _b = (255); typeof (ptr[
i * 3] + pca_r) _x = (ptr[i * 3] + pca_r); (_x < _a) ? _a :
((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
200 ptr[i * 3 + 1] = ccv_clamp(ptr[i * 3 + 1] + pca_g, 0, 255)({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (255) _b = (255); typeof (ptr[
i * 3 + 1] + pca_g) _x = (ptr[i * 3 + 1] + pca_g); (_x < _a
) ? _a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
201 ptr[i * 3 + 2] = ccv_clamp(ptr[i * 3 + 2] + pca_b, 0, 255)({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (255) _b = (255); typeof (ptr[
i * 3 + 2] + pca_b) _x = (ptr[i * 3 + 2] + pca_b); (_x < _a
) ? _a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
202 }
205static float _ccv_cnnp_random_logexp(sfmt_t* const sfmt, const float jitter)
207 // We want to get something around logarithmic scale, thus, 0 is no good, and infinity is no good. 1 is the same.
208 // jitter is some turbulence we want around 1. We want the range range to be around [1 / (1 + jitter), 1 + jitter]
209 // but the distribution is not uniform (50% fall under 1, and 50% fall above 1). The way to do this is to first
210 // get to logarithmic range, doing a uniform sampling, and then convert back.
211 double log_jitter_limit = log(1 + jitter);
212 double log_random_jitter = sfmt_genrand_real1(sfmt) * 2 * log_jitter_limit - log_jitter_limit;
213 return (float)exp(log_random_jitter); // Convert it back to exponential form.
216static void _ccv_cnnp_image_manip(ccv_dense_matrix_t* image, const ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_t random_jitter, sfmt_t* const sfmt)
218 assert(sfmt && CCV_GET_CHANNEL(image->type) == CCV_C3)((void) sizeof ((sfmt && ((image->type) & 0xFFF
) == CCV_C3) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (sfmt && (
(image->type) & 0xFFF) == CCV_C3) ; else __assert_fail
("sfmt && CCV_GET_CHANNEL(image->type) == CCV_C3"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 218, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
219 int idx[4] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
220 sfmt_genrand_shuffle(sfmt, idx, 4, sizeof(int));
221 int i;
222 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
223 // change the applying order
224 switch (idx[i])
225 {
226 case 0:
227 if (random_jitter.brightness == 0)
228 break;
229 // introduce some brightness changes to the original image
230 ccv_scale(image, (ccv_matrix_t**)&image, 0, _ccv_cnnp_random_logexp(sfmt, random_jitter.brightness));
231 break;
232 case 1:
233 // introduce some saturation changes to the original image
234 if (random_jitter.saturation == 0)
235 break;
236 ccv_saturation(image, &image, 0, _ccv_cnnp_random_logexp(sfmt, random_jitter.saturation));
237 break;
238 case 2:
239 // introduce some contrast changes to the original image
240 if (random_jitter.contrast == 0)
241 break;
242 ccv_contrast(image, &image, 0, _ccv_cnnp_random_logexp(sfmt, random_jitter.contrast));
243 break;
244 case 3:
245 if (random_jitter.lighting == 0)
246 break;
247 _ccv_cnnp_image_lighting(image, sfmt_genrand_real1(sfmt) * random_jitter.lighting, sfmt_genrand_real1(sfmt) * random_jitter.lighting, sfmt_genrand_real1(sfmt) * random_jitter.lighting);
248 break;
249 }
252static void _ccv_cnnp_normalize(ccv_dense_matrix_t* const image, const float mean[3], const float inv_std[3])
254 int i;
255 const int count = image->rows * image->cols;
256 float* ap = image->data.f32;
257 for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
258 {
259 ap[i * 3] = (ap[i * 3] - mean[0]) * inv_std[0];
260 ap[i * 3 + 1] = (ap[i * 3 + 1] - mean[1]) * inv_std[1];
261 ap[i * 3 + 2] = (ap[i * 3 + 2] - mean[2]) * inv_std[2];
262 }
265static void _ccv_cnnp_random_jitter(void* const* const* const column_data, const int column_size, const int batch_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
267 sfmt_t* const sfmt = (sfmt_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(sfmt_t) * batch_size);
268 ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_context_t* const ctx = (ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_context_t*)context;
269 int i;
270 for (i = 0; i < batch_size; i++)
271 sfmt_init_gen_rand(&sfmt[i], sfmt_genrand_uint32(&ctx->sfmt));
272 const ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_t random_jitter = ctx->random_jitter;
273 assert(random_jitter.resize.min > 0)((void) sizeof ((random_jitter.resize.min > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (random_jitter.resize.min > 0) ; else __assert_fail
("random_jitter.resize.min > 0", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 273, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
274 assert(random_jitter.resize.max >= random_jitter.resize.min)((void) sizeof ((random_jitter.resize.max >= random_jitter
.resize.min) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (random_jitter.resize
.max >= random_jitter.resize.min) ; else __assert_fail ("random_jitter.resize.max >= random_jitter.resize.min"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 274, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
275 parallel_for(i, batch_size){ int i; for ((i) = 0; (i) < (batch_size); (i)++) { {
276 if (data[i])
277 ccv_matrix_free(data[i]);
278 ccv_dense_matrix_t* const input = (ccv_dense_matrix_t*)column_data[0][i];
279 const int resize = ccv_clamp((int)(sfmt_genrand_real1(&sfmt[i]) * (random_jitter.resize.max - random_jitter.resize.min) + 0.5) + random_jitter.resize.min, random_jitter.resize.min, random_jitter.resize.max)({ typeof (random_jitter.resize.min) _a = (random_jitter.resize
.min); typeof (random_jitter.resize.max) _b = (random_jitter.
resize.max); typeof ((int)(sfmt_genrand_real1(&sfmt[i]) *
(random_jitter.resize.max - random_jitter.resize.min) + 0.5)
+ random_jitter.resize.min) _x = ((int)(sfmt_genrand_real1(&
sfmt[i]) * (random_jitter.resize.max - random_jitter.resize.min
) + 0.5) + random_jitter.resize.min); (_x < _a) ? _a : ((_x
> _b) ? _b : _x); })
280 int resize_rows = ccv_max(resize, (int)(input->rows * (float)resize / input->cols + 0.5))({ typeof (resize) _a = (resize); typeof ((int)(input->rows
* (float)resize / input->cols + 0.5)) _b = ((int)(input->
rows * (float)resize / input->cols + 0.5)); (_a > _b) ?
_a : _b; })
281 int resize_cols = ccv_max(resize, (int)(input->cols * (float)resize / input->rows + 0.5))({ typeof (resize) _a = (resize); typeof ((int)(input->cols
* (float)resize / input->rows + 0.5)) _b = ((int)(input->
cols * (float)resize / input->rows + 0.5)); (_a > _b) ?
_a : _b; })
282 if (random_jitter.aspect_ratio > 0)
283 {
284 const float aspect_ratio = sqrtf(_ccv_cnnp_random_logexp(&sfmt[i], random_jitter.aspect_ratio));
285 resize_rows = (int)(resize_rows * aspect_ratio + 0.5);
286 resize_cols = (int)(resize_cols / aspect_ratio + 0.5);
287 }
288 if (random_jitter.resize.roundup > 0)
289 {
290 const int roundup = random_jitter.resize.roundup;
291 const int roundup_2 = roundup / 2;
292 resize_rows = (resize_rows + roundup_2) / roundup * roundup;
293 resize_cols = (resize_cols + roundup_2) / roundup * roundup;
294 }
295 const int need_crop = (random_jitter.size.cols > 0 && random_jitter.size.rows > 0 &&
296 ((resize_cols != random_jitter.size.cols || resize_rows != random_jitter.size.rows) ||
297 (random_jitter.offset.x != 0 || random_jitter.offset.y != 0)));
298 int cropped = 0, crop_x = 0, crop_y = 0;
299 ccv_dense_matrix_t* sliced = 0;
300 if (need_crop)
301 {
302 // Compute crop x, y.
303 crop_x = random_jitter.center_crop ?
304 (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols + 1) / 2 : // Otherwise, random select x.
305 (int)(sfmt_genrand_real1(&sfmt[i]) * (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols + 1));
306 crop_x = ccv_clamp(crop_x,({ typeof (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_cols - random_jitter
.size.cols) _b = (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols); (_a
< _b) ? _a : _b; })) _a = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof
(resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols) _b = (resize_cols - random_jitter
.size.cols); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (({ typeof (
0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols) _b
= (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols); (_a > _b) ? _a
: _b; })) _b = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_cols -
random_jitter.size.cols) _b = (resize_cols - random_jitter.size
.cols); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (crop_x) _x = (crop_x
); (_x < _a) ? _a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
307 ccv_min(0, resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols),({ typeof (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_cols - random_jitter
.size.cols) _b = (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols); (_a
< _b) ? _a : _b; })) _a = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof
(resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols) _b = (resize_cols - random_jitter
.size.cols); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (({ typeof (
0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols) _b
= (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols); (_a > _b) ? _a
: _b; })) _b = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_cols -
random_jitter.size.cols) _b = (resize_cols - random_jitter.size
.cols); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (crop_x) _x = (crop_x
); (_x < _a) ? _a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
308 ccv_max(0, resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols))({ typeof (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_cols - random_jitter
.size.cols) _b = (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols); (_a
< _b) ? _a : _b; })) _a = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof
(resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols) _b = (resize_cols - random_jitter
.size.cols); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (({ typeof (
0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols) _b
= (resize_cols - random_jitter.size.cols); (_a > _b) ? _a
: _b; })) _b = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_cols -
random_jitter.size.cols) _b = (resize_cols - random_jitter.size
.cols); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (crop_x) _x = (crop_x
); (_x < _a) ? _a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
309 crop_y = random_jitter.center_crop ?
310 (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows + 1) / 2 : // Otherwise, random select y.
311 (int)(sfmt_genrand_real1(&sfmt[i]) * (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows + 1));
312 crop_y = ccv_clamp(crop_y,({ typeof (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_rows - random_jitter
.size.rows) _b = (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows); (_a
< _b) ? _a : _b; })) _a = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof
(resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows) _b = (resize_rows - random_jitter
.size.rows); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (({ typeof (
0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows) _b
= (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows); (_a > _b) ? _a
: _b; })) _b = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_rows -
random_jitter.size.rows) _b = (resize_rows - random_jitter.size
.rows); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (crop_y) _x = (crop_y
); (_x < _a) ? _a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
313 ccv_min(0, resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows),({ typeof (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_rows - random_jitter
.size.rows) _b = (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows); (_a
< _b) ? _a : _b; })) _a = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof
(resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows) _b = (resize_rows - random_jitter
.size.rows); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (({ typeof (
0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows) _b
= (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows); (_a > _b) ? _a
: _b; })) _b = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_rows -
random_jitter.size.rows) _b = (resize_rows - random_jitter.size
.rows); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (crop_y) _x = (crop_y
); (_x < _a) ? _a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
314 ccv_max(0, resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows))({ typeof (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_rows - random_jitter
.size.rows) _b = (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows); (_a
< _b) ? _a : _b; })) _a = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof
(resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows) _b = (resize_rows - random_jitter
.size.rows); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (({ typeof (
0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows) _b
= (resize_rows - random_jitter.size.rows); (_a > _b) ? _a
: _b; })) _b = (({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (resize_rows -
random_jitter.size.rows) _b = (resize_rows - random_jitter.size
.rows); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; })); typeof (crop_y) _x = (crop_y
); (_x < _a) ? _a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
315 if (random_jitter.offset.x != 0)
316 crop_x += sfmt_genrand_real1(&sfmt[i]) * random_jitter.offset.x * 2 - random_jitter.offset.x;
317 if (random_jitter.offset.y != 0)
318 crop_y += sfmt_genrand_real1(&sfmt[i]) * random_jitter.offset.y * 2 - random_jitter.offset.y;
319 // If we can fill in the whole view (not introducing any 0 padding), we can first crop and then scale down / up.
320 if (resize_cols >= random_jitter.size.cols && resize_rows >= random_jitter.size.rows)
321 {
322 const float scale_x = (float)input->cols / resize_cols;
323 const float scale_y = (float)input->rows / resize_rows;
324 const int slice_cols = (int)(random_jitter.size.cols * scale_x + 0.5);
325 const int slice_rows = (int)(random_jitter.size.rows * scale_y + 0.5);
326 assert(slice_cols <= input->cols)((void) sizeof ((slice_cols <= input->cols) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (slice_cols <= input->cols) ; else __assert_fail
("slice_cols <= input->cols", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 326, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
327 assert(slice_rows <= input->rows)((void) sizeof ((slice_rows <= input->rows) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (slice_rows <= input->rows) ; else __assert_fail
("slice_rows <= input->rows", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 327, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
328 const int x = ccv_clamp((int)(crop_x * scale_x + 0.5), 0, input->cols - slice_cols)({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (input->cols - slice_cols) _b
= (input->cols - slice_cols); typeof ((int)(crop_x * scale_x
+ 0.5)) _x = ((int)(crop_x * scale_x + 0.5)); (_x < _a) ?
_a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
329 const int y = ccv_clamp((int)(crop_y * scale_y + 0.5), 0, input->rows - slice_rows)({ typeof (0) _a = (0); typeof (input->rows - slice_rows) _b
= (input->rows - slice_rows); typeof ((int)(crop_y * scale_y
+ 0.5)) _x = ((int)(crop_y * scale_y + 0.5)); (_x < _a) ?
_a : ((_x > _b) ? _b : _x); })
330 ccv_slice(input, (ccv_matrix_t**)&sliced, 0, y, x, slice_rows, slice_cols);
331 resize_cols = random_jitter.size.cols;
332 resize_rows = random_jitter.size.rows;
333 cropped = 1;
334 } else
335 sliced = input;
336 } else
337 sliced = input;
338 ccv_dense_matrix_t* resized = 0;
339 // Resize.
340 if (sliced->rows >= resize_rows && sliced->cols >= resize_cols)
341 {
342 // If we can fill in the whole view, we can first crop and then scale down / up.
343 ccv_resample(sliced, &resized, CCV_32F, (double)resize_rows / (double)sliced->rows, (double)resize_cols / (double)sliced->cols, CCV_INTER_AREA);
344 } else if (sliced->rows != resize_rows || sliced->cols != resize_cols) {
345 ccv_resample(sliced, &resized, CCV_32F, (double)resize_rows / (double)sliced->rows, (double)resize_cols / (double)sliced->cols, CCV_INTER_CUBIC);
346 } else {
347 ccv_shift(sliced, (ccv_matrix_t**)&resized, CCV_32F, 0, 0); // converting to 32f
348 }
349 if (sliced != input)
350 ccv_matrix_free(sliced);
351 if (random_jitter.symmetric && (sfmt_genrand_uint32(&sfmt[i]) & 1) == 0)
352 ccv_flip(resized, &resized, 0, CCV_FLIP_X);
353 _ccv_cnnp_image_manip(resized, random_jitter, &sfmt[i]);
354 // Apply normalization. Slice will introduce 0 padding, which won't be correct before normalization.
355 if (random_jitter.normalize.mean[0] != 0 || random_jitter.normalize.std[0] != 1 ||
356 random_jitter.normalize.mean[1] != 0 || random_jitter.normalize.std[1] != 1 ||
357 random_jitter.normalize.mean[2] != 0 || random_jitter.normalize.std[2] != 1)
358 _ccv_cnnp_normalize(resized, random_jitter.normalize.mean, random_jitter.normalize.std);
359 // If we haven't cropped in previous step (likely because we have some fill-ins due to the resize down too much).
360 // Do the crop now.
361 ccv_dense_matrix_t* patch = 0;
362 if (!cropped && need_crop)
363 {
364 ccv_slice(resized, (ccv_matrix_t**)&patch, CCV_32F, crop_y, crop_x, random_jitter.size.rows, random_jitter.size.cols);
365 ccv_matrix_free(resized);
366 } else
367 patch = resized;
368 assert(!ccv_any_nan(patch))((void) sizeof ((!ccv_any_nan(patch)) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (!ccv_any_nan(patch)) ; else __assert_fail ("!ccv_any_nan(patch)"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 368, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
369 data[i] = patch;
370 } parallel_endfor} }
371 ccfreefree(sfmt);
374int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_image_random_jitter(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const int column_idx, const int datatype, const ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_t random_jitter, const char* name)
376 assert(datatype == CCV_32F)((void) sizeof ((datatype == CCV_32F) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (datatype == CCV_32F) ; else __assert_fail ("datatype == CCV_32F"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 376, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
377 ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_context_t* const random_jitter_context = (ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_context_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_cnnp_random_jitter_context_t));
378 if (random_jitter.seed)
379 sfmt_init_gen_rand(&random_jitter_context->sfmt, (uint32_t)random_jitter.seed);
380 else
381 sfmt_init_gen_rand(&random_jitter_context->sfmt, ccv_nnc_stream_context_genrand_uint32(0));
382 random_jitter_context->datatype = datatype;
383 random_jitter_context->random_jitter = random_jitter;
384 int i;
385 // The std in the random jitter should be inv_std.
386 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
387 random_jitter_context->random_jitter.normalize.std[i] = random_jitter_context->random_jitter.normalize.std[i] ? 1. / random_jitter_context->random_jitter.normalize.std[i] : 1;
388 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_map(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_random_jitter, 0, _ccv_cnnp_image_deinit, COLUMN_ID_LIST(column_idx)(const int []){column_idx}, (1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1)
, random_jitter_context, (ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)ccfreefree, name);
391typedef struct {
392 int range;
393 int datatype;
394 int format;
395 float onval;
396 float offval;
397 off_t structof;
398} ccv_cnnp_one_hot_context_t;
400static void _ccv_cnnp_one_hot(void* const* const* const column_data, const int column_size, const int batch_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
402 ccv_cnnp_one_hot_context_t* const one_hot = (ccv_cnnp_one_hot_context_t*)context;
403 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params = {
404 .datatype = one_hot->datatype,
406 .format = one_hot->format,
407 .dim = {
408 one_hot->range,
409 },
410 };
411 parallel_for(i, batch_size){ int i; for ((i) = 0; (i) < (batch_size); (i)++) { {
412 int j;
413 const int label = *(const int*)((const char*)column_data[0][i] + one_hot->structof);
414 if (!data[i])
415 data[i] = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, params, 0);
416 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const tensor = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)data[i];
417 assert(label >= 0 && label < one_hot->range)((void) sizeof ((label >= 0 && label < one_hot->
range) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (label >= 0 &&
label < one_hot->range) ; else __assert_fail ("label >= 0 && label < one_hot->range"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 417, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
418 if (tensor->info.datatype == CCV_32F)
419 for (j = 0; j < one_hot->range; j++)
420 tensor->data.f32[j] = (j == label) ? one_hot->onval : one_hot->offval;
421 else if (tensor->info.datatype == CCV_16F)
422 for (j = 0; j < one_hot->range; j++)
423 ccv_float_to_half_precision((j == label) ? &one_hot->onval : &one_hot->offval, (uint16_t*)(tensor->data.f16 + j), 1);
424 else
425 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 425, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
426 } parallel_endfor} }
429int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_one_hot(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const int column_idx, const off_t structof, const int range, const float onval, const float offval, const int datatype, const int format, const char* name)
431 assert(datatype == CCV_32F || datatype == CCV_16F)((void) sizeof ((datatype == CCV_32F || datatype == CCV_16F) ?
1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (datatype == CCV_32F || datatype
== CCV_16F) ; else __assert_fail ("datatype == CCV_32F || datatype == CCV_16F"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 431, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
432 ccv_cnnp_one_hot_context_t* const one_hot = (ccv_cnnp_one_hot_context_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_cnnp_one_hot_context_t));
433 one_hot->range = range;
434 one_hot->datatype = datatype;
435 one_hot->format = format;
436 one_hot->onval = onval;
437 one_hot->offval = offval;
438 one_hot->structof = structof;
439 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_map(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_one_hot, 0, _ccv_cnnp_tensor_deinit, COLUMN_ID_LIST(column_idx)(const int []){column_idx}, (1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1)
, one_hot, (ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)ccfreefree, name);
442typedef struct {
443 int from_dt;
444 int to_dt;
445 int format;
446 off_t structof;
447} ccv_cnnp_copy_scalar_context_t;
449static void _ccv_cnnp_copy_scalar(void* const* const* const column_data, const int column_size, const int batch_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
451 ccv_cnnp_copy_scalar_context_t* const copy_scalar = (ccv_cnnp_copy_scalar_context_t*)context;
452 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params = {
453 .datatype = copy_scalar->to_dt,
455 .format = copy_scalar->format,
456 .dim = {1},
457 };
458 parallel_for(i, batch_size){ int i; for ((i) = 0; (i) < (batch_size); (i)++) { {
Assuming 'i' is < 'batch_size'
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
459 const ccv_numeric_data_t value = {
460 .u8 = (unsigned char *)((const char*)column_data[0][i] + copy_scalar->structof),
461 };
462 if (!data[i])
Assuming the condition is false
Taking false branch
463 data[i] = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, params, 0);
464 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const tensor = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)data[i];
465 if (copy_scalar->from_dt == CCV_32S)
Assuming field 'from_dt' is not equal to CCV_32S
Taking false branch
466 {
467 if (tensor->info.datatype == CCV_32F)
468 tensor->data.f32[0] = value.i32[0];
469 else if (tensor->info.datatype == CCV_16F) {
470 float fval = value.i32[0];
471 ccv_float_to_half_precision(&fval, (uint16_t*)tensor->data.f16, 1);
472 }
473 } else if (copy_scalar->from_dt == CCV_32F) {
Assuming field 'from_dt' is equal to CCV_32F
Taking true branch
474 if (tensor->info.datatype == CCV_32F)
Assuming field 'datatype' is equal to CCV_32F
Taking true branch
475 tensor->data.f32[0] = value.f32[0];
Array access (via field 'f32') results in a null pointer dereference
476 else if (tensor->info.datatype == CCV_16F)
477 ccv_float_to_half_precision(value.f32, (uint16_t*)tensor->data.f16, 1);
478 } else if (copy_scalar->from_dt == CCV_16F) {
479 if (tensor->info.datatype == CCV_32F)
480 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)value.f16, tensor->data.f32, 1);
481 else if (tensor->info.datatype == CCV_16F)
482 tensor->data.f16[0] = value.f16[0];
483 }
484 } parallel_endfor} }
487CCV_WARN_UNUSED(int)int __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) ccv_cnnp_dataframe_copy_scalar(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const int column_idx, const off_t structof, const int from_dt, const int to_dt, const int format, const char* name)
489 assert(from_dt == CCV_32S || from_dt == CCV_32F || from_dt == CCV_16F)((void) sizeof ((from_dt == CCV_32S || from_dt == CCV_32F || from_dt
== CCV_16F) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (from_dt == CCV_32S
|| from_dt == CCV_32F || from_dt == CCV_16F) ; else __assert_fail
("from_dt == CCV_32S || from_dt == CCV_32F || from_dt == CCV_16F"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 489, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
490 assert(to_dt == CCV_32F || to_dt == CCV_16F)((void) sizeof ((to_dt == CCV_32F || to_dt == CCV_16F) ? 1 : 0
), __extension__ ({ if (to_dt == CCV_32F || to_dt == CCV_16F)
; else __assert_fail ("to_dt == CCV_32F || to_dt == CCV_16F"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 490, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
491 ccv_cnnp_copy_scalar_context_t* const copy_scalar = (ccv_cnnp_copy_scalar_context_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_cnnp_copy_scalar_context_t));
492 copy_scalar->from_dt = from_dt;
493 copy_scalar->to_dt = to_dt;
494 copy_scalar->format = format;
495 copy_scalar->structof = structof;
496 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_map(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_copy_scalar, 0, _ccv_cnnp_tensor_deinit, COLUMN_ID_LIST(column_idx)(const int []){column_idx}, (1 +1 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0
+0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +
0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 -1)
, copy_scalar, (ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)ccfreefree, name);
499// MARK - Matrix of Ones
501typedef struct {
502 ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t tuple;
503 int variable_size;
504 int max_length;
505} ccv_cnnp_one_squared_context_t;
507static void _ccv_cnnp_one_squared(void* const* const* const column_data, const int column_size, const int batch_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
509 ccv_cnnp_one_squared_context_t* const ones = (ccv_cnnp_one_squared_context_t*)context;
510 assert(ones->tuple.size == column_size)((void) sizeof ((ones->tuple.size == column_size) ? 1 : 0)
, __extension__ ({ if (ones->tuple.size == column_size) ; else
__assert_fail ("ones->tuple.size == column_size", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 510, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
511 const int max_length = ones->max_length;
512 if (ones->variable_size)
513 {
514 parallel_for(i, batch_size){ int i; for ((i) = 0; (i) < (batch_size); (i)++) { {
515 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const first_seq = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[0][i];
516 assert(first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S)((void) sizeof ((first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ? 1 :
0), __extension__ ({ if (first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S
) ; else __assert_fail ("first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 516, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
517 const int first_len = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(first_seq->info);
518 ccv_nnc_tensor_t** outputs = data[i];
519 if (!outputs)
520 outputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)(data[i] = cccalloccalloc(column_size, sizeof(ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)));
521 int k;
522 for (k = 0; k < column_size; k++)
523 if (!outputs[k])
524 outputs[k] = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, CPU_TENSOR_NHWC(32S, first_len, max_length, max_length)((ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t){.type=(CCV_COMPUTE_DEVICE_ANY) | CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY
, max_length, max_length}})
, 0);
525 int max_len = 0;
526 for (k = 0; k < column_size; k++)
527 {
528 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const seq = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[k][i];
529 assert(seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S)((void) sizeof ((seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ; else __assert_fail
("seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 529, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
530 const int len = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(seq->info);
531 assert(len == first_len)((void) sizeof ((len == first_len) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({
if (len == first_len) ; else __assert_fail ("len == first_len"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 531, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
532 const int* const ia = seq->data.i32;
533 int l;
534 for (l = 0; l < len; l++)
535 max_len = ccv_max(max_len, ia[l])({ typeof (max_len) _a = (max_len); typeof (ia[l]) _b = (ia[l
]); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; })
536 }
537 assert(max_len <= max_length)((void) sizeof ((max_len <= max_length) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (max_len <= max_length) ; else __assert_fail ("max_len <= max_length"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 537, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
538 parallel_for(c, column_size){ int c; for ((c) = 0; (c) < (column_size); (c)++) { {
539 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const seq = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[c][i];
540 assert(seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S)((void) sizeof ((seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ; else __assert_fail
("seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 540, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
541 const int len = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(seq->info);
542 assert(len == first_len)((void) sizeof ((len == first_len) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({
if (len == first_len) ; else __assert_fail ("len == first_len"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 542, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
543 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* tensor = outputs[c];
544 tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_resize(tensor, CPU_TENSOR_NHWC(32S, len, max_len, max_len)((ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t){.type=(CCV_COMPUTE_DEVICE_ANY) | CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY
,.format=CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC,.datatype=CCV_32S,.dim={len, max_len
, max_len}})
545 assert(outputs[c] == tensor)((void) sizeof ((outputs[c] == tensor) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (outputs[c] == tensor) ; else __assert_fail ("outputs[c] == tensor"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 545, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; // Since we allocated with max_length, this cannot be reallocated.
546 const int* const ia = seq->data.i32;
547 parallel_for(j, len){ int j; for ((j) = 0; (j) < (len); (j)++) { {
548 int x, y;
549 int seq_len = ia[j];
550 int* ib = tensor->data.i32 + j * max_len * max_len;
551 for (y = 0; y < seq_len; y++)
552 {
553 for (x = 0; x < seq_len; x++)
554 ib[x] = 1;
555 for (x = seq_len; x < max_len; x++)
556 ib[x] = 0;
557 ib += max_len;
558 }
559 if (seq_len < max_len)
560 memset(ib, 0, sizeof(int) * max_len * (max_len - seq_len));
561 } parallel_endfor} }
562 } parallel_endfor} }
563 } parallel_endfor} }
564 } else {
565 parallel_for(i, batch_size){ int i; for ((i) = 0; (i) < (batch_size); (i)++) { {
566 ccv_nnc_tensor_t** outputs = data[i];
567 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const first_seq = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[0][i];
568 assert(first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S)((void) sizeof ((first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ? 1 :
0), __extension__ ({ if (first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S
) ; else __assert_fail ("first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 568, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
569 const int first_len = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(first_seq->info);
570 if (!outputs)
571 outputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)(data[i] = cccalloccalloc(column_size, sizeof(ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)));
572 int k;
573 for (k = 0; k < column_size; k++)
574 if (!outputs[k])
575 outputs[k] = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, CPU_TENSOR_NHWC(32S, first_len, max_length, max_length)((ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t){.type=(CCV_COMPUTE_DEVICE_ANY) | CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY
, max_length, max_length}})
, 0);
576 parallel_for(c, column_size){ int c; for ((c) = 0; (c) < (column_size); (c)++) { {
577 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const tensor = outputs[c];
578 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const seq = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[c][i];
579 assert(seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S)((void) sizeof ((seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ; else __assert_fail
("seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 579, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
580 const int len = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(seq->info);
581 assert(len == first_len)((void) sizeof ((len == first_len) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({
if (len == first_len) ; else __assert_fail ("len == first_len"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 581, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
582 const int* const ia = seq->data.i32;
583 parallel_for(j, len){ int j; for ((j) = 0; (j) < (len); (j)++) { {
584 int x, y;
585 int seq_len = ia[j];
586 int* ib = tensor->data.i32 + j * max_length * max_length;
587 for (y = 0; y < seq_len; y++)
588 {
589 for (x = 0; x < seq_len; x++)
590 ib[x] = 1;
591 for (x = seq_len; x < max_length; x++)
592 ib[x] = 0;
593 ib += max_length;
594 }
595 if (seq_len < max_length)
596 memset(ib, 0, sizeof(int) * max_length * (max_length - seq_len));
597 } parallel_endfor} }
598 } parallel_endfor} }
599 } parallel_endfor} }
600 }
603CCV_WARN_UNUSED(int)int __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) ccv_cnnp_dataframe_one_squared(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const int* const column_idxs, const int column_idx_size, const int variable_size, const int max_length, const char* name)
605 assert(max_length > 0)((void) sizeof ((max_length > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (max_length > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("max_length > 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 605, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
606 assert(variable_size == 0 || variable_size == 1)((void) sizeof ((variable_size == 0 || variable_size == 1) ? 1
: 0), __extension__ ({ if (variable_size == 0 || variable_size
== 1) ; else __assert_fail ("variable_size == 0 || variable_size == 1"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 606, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
607 ccv_cnnp_one_squared_context_t* const ones = (ccv_cnnp_one_squared_context_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_cnnp_one_squared_context_t));
608 ones->tuple.size = column_idx_size;
609 ones->variable_size = variable_size;
610 ones->max_length = max_length;
611 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_map(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_one_squared, 0, _ccv_cnnp_tensor_list_deinit, column_idxs, column_idx_size, ones, (ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)ccfreefree, name);
614// MARK - Truncate Matrix
616static void _ccv_cnnp_truncate(void* const* const* const column_data, const int column_size, const int batch_size, void** const data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
618 assert(column_size >= 2)((void) sizeof ((column_size >= 2) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (column_size >= 2) ; else __assert_fail ("column_size >= 2"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 618, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
619 assert(column_size % 2 == 0)((void) sizeof ((column_size % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (column_size % 2 == 0) ; else __assert_fail ("column_size % 2 == 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 619, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
620 const int tuple_size = column_size / 2;
621 ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t* const tuple = (ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t*)context;
622 assert(tuple->size == tuple_size)((void) sizeof ((tuple->size == tuple_size) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (tuple->size == tuple_size) ; else __assert_fail ("tuple->size == tuple_size"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 622, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
623 parallel_for(i, batch_size){ int i; for ((i) = 0; (i) < (batch_size); (i)++) { {
624 int k;
625 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const first_seq = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[tuple_size][i];
626 assert(first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S)((void) sizeof ((first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ? 1 :
0), __extension__ ({ if (first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S
) ; else __assert_fail ("first_seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 626, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
627 const int first_len = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(first_seq->info);
628 int max_len = 0;
629 for (k = 0; k < tuple_size; k++)
630 {
631 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const seq = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[tuple_size + k][i];
632 assert(seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S)((void) sizeof ((seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ; else __assert_fail
("seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 632, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
633 const int len = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(seq->info);
634 assert(len == first_len)((void) sizeof ((len == first_len) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({
if (len == first_len) ; else __assert_fail ("len == first_len"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 634, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
635 const int* const ia = seq->data.i32;
636 int l;
637 for (l = 0; l < len; l++)
638 max_len = ccv_max(max_len, ia[l])({ typeof (max_len) _a = (max_len); typeof (ia[l]) _b = (ia[l
]); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; })
639 }
640 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const first_inp = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[0][i];
641 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t first_params = first_inp->info;
642 assert(first_params.dim[0] == first_len)((void) sizeof ((first_params.dim[0] == first_len) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (first_params.dim[0] == first_len) ; else __assert_fail
("first_params.dim[0] == first_len", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 642, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
643 assert(max_len <= first_params.dim[1])((void) sizeof ((max_len <= first_params.dim[1]) ? 1 : 0),
__extension__ ({ if (max_len <= first_params.dim[1]) ; else
__assert_fail ("max_len <= first_params.dim[1]", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 643, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
644 first_params.dim[1] = max_len;
645 ccv_nnc_tensor_t** outputs = data[i];
646 if (!outputs)
647 outputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)(data[i] = cccalloccalloc(tuple_size, sizeof(ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)));
648 for (k = 0; k < tuple_size; k++)
649 {
650 if (!outputs[k])
651 outputs[k] = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, first_params, 0);
652 else
653 outputs[k] = ccv_nnc_tensor_resize(outputs[k], first_params);
654 }
655 parallel_for(c, tuple_size){ int c; for ((c) = 0; (c) < (tuple_size); (c)++) { {
656 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const seq = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[tuple_size + c][i];
657 assert(seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S)((void) sizeof ((seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S) ; else __assert_fail
("seq->info.datatype == CCV_32S", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 657, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
658 const int len = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(seq->info);
659 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const inp = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t*)column_data[c][i];
660 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params = inp->info;
661 assert(params.dim[0] == len)((void) sizeof ((params.dim[0] == len) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (params.dim[0] == len) ; else __assert_fail ("params.dim[0] == len"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 661, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
662 assert(first_len == len)((void) sizeof ((first_len == len) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({
if (first_len == len) ; else __assert_fail ("first_len == len"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 662, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
663 assert(max_len <= params.dim[1])((void) sizeof ((max_len <= params.dim[1]) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (max_len <= params.dim[1]) ; else __assert_fail ("max_len <= params.dim[1]"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 663, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
664 assert(params.dim[2] == 0)((void) sizeof ((params.dim[2] == 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (params.dim[2] == 0) ; else __assert_fail ("params.dim[2] == 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 664, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
665 const int ori_len = params.dim[1];
666 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const out = outputs[c];
667 uint8_t* const ua = inp->data.u8;
668 uint8_t* const ub = out->data.u8;
669 size_t la = CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(params.datatype)_ccv_get_data_type_size[((params.datatype) & 0xFF000) >>
* ori_len;
670 size_t lb = CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE_SIZE(params.datatype)_ccv_get_data_type_size[((params.datatype) & 0xFF000) >>
* max_len;
671 parallel_for(j, len){ int j; for ((j) = 0; (j) < (len); (j)++) { {
672 memcpy(ub + lb * j, ua + la * j, lb);
673 } parallel_endfor} }
674 } parallel_endfor} }
675 } parallel_endfor} }
678int ccv_cnnp_dataframe_truncate(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const int* const vec_idxs, const int vec_idx_size, const int* const len_idxs, const int len_idx_size, const char* name)
680 const int total_idx_size = vec_idx_size + len_idx_size;
681 assert(total_idx_size > 0)((void) sizeof ((total_idx_size > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (total_idx_size > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("total_idx_size > 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 681, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
682 assert(vec_idx_size == len_idx_size)((void) sizeof ((vec_idx_size == len_idx_size) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (vec_idx_size == len_idx_size) ; else __assert_fail ("vec_idx_size == len_idx_size"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 682, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
683 int total_idxs[total_idx_size];
684 memcpy(total_idxs, vec_idxs, sizeof(int) * vec_idx_size);
685 memcpy(total_idxs + vec_idx_size, len_idxs, sizeof(int) * len_idx_size);
686 ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t* const tuple = (ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t));
687 tuple->size = vec_idx_size;
688 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_map(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_truncate, 0, _ccv_cnnp_tensor_list_deinit, total_idxs, total_idx_size, tuple, (ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)ccfreefree, name);
691// MARK - Batching
693typedef struct {
694 ccv_cnnp_dataframe_tuple_t tuple;
695 int format;
696 int batch_count;
697 int group_count;
698} ccv_cnnp_batch_context_t;
700static void _ccv_cnnp_combine_new(void* const* const input_data, const int input_size, void** const output_data, void* const context, ccv_nnc_stream_context_t* const stream_context)
702 ccv_cnnp_batch_context_t* const batch = (ccv_cnnp_batch_context_t*)context;
703 const int output_tuple_size = batch->tuple.size;
704 const int batch_count = batch->batch_count;
705 const int group_count = batch->group_count;
706 const int input_tuple_size = output_tuple_size / group_count;
707 int i, j, k;
708 assert(input_size > 0)((void) sizeof ((input_size > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (input_size > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("input_size > 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 708, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
709 if (!output_data[0])
710 {
711 ccv_nnc_tensor_t** const inputs = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)input_data[0];
712 ccv_nnc_tensor_t** const tensors = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)(output_data[0] = ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_nnc_tensor_t*) * output_tuple_size));
713 for (i = 0; i < group_count; i++)
714 for (j = 0; j < input_tuple_size; j++)
715 {
716 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params = inputs[j]->info;
717 assert(params.datatype == CCV_32F || params.datatype == CCV_32S || params.datatype == CCV_16F)((void) sizeof ((params.datatype == CCV_32F || params.datatype
== CCV_32S || params.datatype == CCV_16F) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (params.datatype == CCV_32F || params.datatype == CCV_32S
|| params.datatype == CCV_16F) ; else __assert_fail ("params.datatype == CCV_32F || params.datatype == CCV_32S || params.datatype == CCV_16F"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 717, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; // Only support 32 bit float yet.
718 assert(params.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC || params.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW)((void) sizeof ((params.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC || params
.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({
if (params.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC || params.format
== CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW) ; else __assert_fail ("params.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC || params.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 718, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
719 params.format = batch->format;
720 // Special-case for dim count is 3 and 1, in these two cases, the N is not provided.
721 if (batch->format == inputs[j]->info.format)
722 {
723 const int nd = ccv_nnc_tensor_nd(params.dim);
724 memset(params.dim, 0, sizeof(int) * CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC(12));
725 memcpy(params.dim + 1, inputs[j]->info.dim, sizeof(int) * nd);
726 } else {
727 const int nd = ccv_nnc_tensor_nd(params.dim);
728 if (nd < 3)
729 {
730 memset(params.dim, 0, sizeof(int) * CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC(12));
731 memcpy(params.dim + 1, inputs[j]->info.dim, sizeof(int) * nd);
732 } else if (nd >= 3) {
733 memset(params.dim, 0, sizeof(int) * CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC(12));
734 const int hw = ccv_nnc_tensor_hw(inputs[j]->info, nd);
735 if (batch->format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW)
736 {
737 params.dim[1] = ccv_nnc_tensor_get_c(inputs[j]->info);
738 for (k = 0; k < CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM(2); k++)
739 params.dim[k + 2] = inputs[j]->info.dim[k + hw];
740 } else {
741 params.dim[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM(2) + 1] = ccv_nnc_tensor_get_c(inputs[j]->info);
742 for (k = 0; k < CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM(2); k++)
743 params.dim[k + 1] = inputs[j]->info.dim[k + hw];
744 }
745 }
746 }
747 params.dim[0] = batch_count; // Set the batch count now.
748 tensors[i * input_tuple_size + j] = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, params, 0);
749 }
750 }
751 for (i = 0; i < group_count; i++)
752 for (j = 0; j < input_tuple_size; j++)
753 {
754 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const output = ((ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)output_data[0])[i * input_tuple_size + j];
755 parallel_for(k, batch_count){ int k; for ((k) = 0; (k) < (batch_count); (k)++) { {
756 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const input = ((ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)input_data[(k + i * batch_count) % input_size])[j];
757 const size_t tensor_count = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(input->info);
758 if (input->info.datatype == CCV_32F)
759 {
760 float* const ap = input->data.f32;
761 float* const bp = output->data.f32 + k * tensor_count;
762 if (input->info.format == output->info.format)
763 memcpy(bp, ap, sizeof(float) * tensor_count);
764 else {
765 // Do a simple format conversion.
766 const int c = ccv_nnc_tensor_get_c(input->info);
767 assert(c > 0)((void) sizeof ((c > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (c >
0) ; else __assert_fail ("c > 0", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 767, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
768 const size_t hw_count = tensor_count / c;
769 size_t x;
770 int y;
771 if (input->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC && output->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW)
772 for (x = 0; x < hw_count; x++)
773 for (y = 0; y < c; y++)
774 bp[y * hw_count + x] = ap[x * c + y];
775 else if (input->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW && output->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC)
776 for (x = 0; x < hw_count; x++)
777 for (y = 0; y < c; y++)
778 bp[x * c + y] = ap[y * hw_count + x];
779 }
780 } else if (input->info.datatype == CCV_32S) {
781 int* const ap = input->data.i32;
782 int* const bp = output->data.i32 + k * tensor_count;
783 if (input->info.format == output->info.format)
784 memcpy(bp, ap, sizeof(int) * tensor_count);
785 else {
786 // Do a simple format conversion.
787 const int c = ccv_nnc_tensor_get_c(input->info);
788 assert(c > 0)((void) sizeof ((c > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (c >
0) ; else __assert_fail ("c > 0", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 788, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
789 const size_t hw_count = tensor_count / c;
790 size_t x;
791 int y;
792 if (input->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC && output->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW)
793 for (x = 0; x < hw_count; x++)
794 for (y = 0; y < c; y++)
795 bp[y * hw_count + x] = ap[x * c + y];
796 else if (input->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW && output->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC)
797 for (x = 0; x < hw_count; x++)
798 for (y = 0; y < c; y++)
799 bp[x * c + y] = ap[y * hw_count + x];
800 }
801 } else if (input->info.datatype == CCV_16F) {
802 ccv_float16_t* const ap = input->data.f16;
803 ccv_float16_t* const bp = output->data.f16 + k * tensor_count;
804 if (input->info.format == output->info.format)
805 memcpy(bp, ap, sizeof(ccv_float16_t) * tensor_count);
806 else {
807 // Do a simple format conversion.
808 const int c = ccv_nnc_tensor_get_c(input->info);
809 assert(c > 0)((void) sizeof ((c > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (c >
0) ; else __assert_fail ("c > 0", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c"
, 809, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
810 const size_t hw_count = tensor_count / c;
811 size_t x;
812 int y;
813 if (input->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC && output->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW)
814 for (x = 0; x < hw_count; x++)
815 for (y = 0; y < c; y++)
816 bp[y * hw_count + x] = ap[x * c + y];
817 else if (input->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW && output->info.format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC)
818 for (x = 0; x < hw_count; x++)
819 for (y = 0; y < c; y++)
820 bp[x * c + y] = ap[y * hw_count + x];
821 }
822 } else {
823 assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 823, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
824 }
825 } parallel_endfor} }
826 }
829static void _ccv_cnnp_combine_deinit(void* const self, void* const context)
831 ccv_cnnp_batch_context_t* const batch = (ccv_cnnp_batch_context_t*)context;
832 ccv_nnc_tensor_t** const tensors = (ccv_nnc_tensor_t**)self;
833 const int size = batch->tuple.size;
834 int i;
835 for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
836 ccv_nnc_tensor_free(tensors[i]);
837 ccfreefree(tensors);
840ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* ccv_cnnp_dataframe_combine_new(ccv_cnnp_dataframe_t* const dataframe, const int* const column_idxs, const int column_idx_size, const int batch_count, const int group_count, const int format)
842 assert(format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW || format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC)((void) sizeof ((format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW || format ==
CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (format
) ; else __assert_fail ("format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NCHW || format == CCV_TENSOR_FORMAT_NHWC"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 842, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
843 assert(column_idx_size >= 1)((void) sizeof ((column_idx_size >= 1) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (column_idx_size >= 1) ; else __assert_fail ("column_idx_size >= 1"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 843, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
844 assert(batch_count > 0)((void) sizeof ((batch_count > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (batch_count > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("batch_count > 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 844, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
845 assert(group_count > 0)((void) sizeof ((group_count > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (group_count > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("group_count > 0"
, "ccv_cnnp_dataframe_addons.c", 845, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
846 const int derived = ccv_cnnp_dataframe_make_tuple(dataframe, column_idxs, column_idx_size, 0);
847 ccv_cnnp_batch_context_t* const batch = (ccv_cnnp_batch_context_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_cnnp_batch_context_t));
848 batch->tuple.size = column_idx_size * group_count;
849 batch->format = format;
850 batch->batch_count = batch_count;
851 batch->group_count = group_count;
852 return ccv_cnnp_dataframe_sample_new(dataframe, _ccv_cnnp_combine_new, _ccv_cnnp_combine_deinit, derived, batch_count * group_count, batch, (ccv_cnnp_column_data_context_deinit_f)ccfreefree);