Bug Summary

Warning:line 232, column 22
Although the value stored to 'tensor' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'tensor'

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -pic-is-pie -mframe-pointer=none -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -target-feature +sse2 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fdebug-compilation-dir=/home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/lib/nnc -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/lib/nnc -resource-dir /usr/local/lib/clang/19 -I ../ -I /usr/local/cuda/include -D HAVE_CBLAS -D HAVE_LIBPNG -D HAVE_LIBJPEG -D HAVE_FFTW3 -D HAVE_PTHREAD -D HAVE_LIBLINEAR -D HAVE_TESSERACT -D HAVE_AVCODEC -D HAVE_AVFORMAT -D HAVE_AVUTIL -D HAVE_SWSCALE -D HAVE_SSE2 -D HAVE_GSL -D HAVE_CUDA -D HAVE_CUDNN -D HAVE_NCCL -D USE_SYSTEM_CUB -I /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/lib/clang/19/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O3 -ferror-limit 19 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fskip-odr-check-in-gmf -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/_analyze/2025-01-01-094452-20571-1 -x c ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c
1#include "ccv_nnc.h"
2#include "ccv_nnc_easy.h"
3#include "ccv_nnc_internal.h"
4#include "ccv_internal.h"
5#include "_ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph.h"
6#include "3rdparty/sqlite3/sqlite3.h"
7#ifdef HAVE_CUDA1
8#include "gpu/ccv_nnc_compat.h"
9#elif HAVE_MPS
10#include "mps/ccv_nnc_mps.h"
13#ifdef NDEBUG
14#define SQLITE_ENFORCE(stmt)((void) sizeof ((stmt) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (stmt) ;
else __assert_fail ("stmt", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 14, __extension__
16#define SQLITE_ENFORCEassert assert
19// MARK - Level-1 API
21int ccv_nnc_tensor_write(const ccv_nnc_tensor_t* const tensor, void* const handle, const char* const name, const ccv_nnc_tensor_io_option_t* const options)
23 assert(CCV_IS_TENSOR_CONTIGUOUS(tensor))((void) sizeof (((!((*(int*)(tensor)) & CCV_TENSOR_VIEW) ||
(((ccv_nnc_tensor_view_t*)tensor)->contiguous == 1))) ? 1
: 0), __extension__ ({ if ((!((*(int*)(tensor)) & CCV_TENSOR_VIEW
) || (((ccv_nnc_tensor_view_t*)tensor)->contiguous == 1)))
; else __assert_fail ("CCV_IS_TENSOR_CONTIGUOUS(tensor)", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c"
, 23, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
24 assert(name)((void) sizeof ((name) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (name) ;
else __assert_fail ("name", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 24, __extension__
25 sqlite3* conn = (sqlite3*)handle;
26 if (!conn)
27 return CCV_IO_ERROR;
28 const char tensor_create_table_qs[] = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tensors "
29 "(name TEXT, type INTEGER, format INTEGER, datatype INTEGER, "
30 "dim BLOB, data BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (name))";
31 SQLITE_ENFORCE(SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_exec(conn, tensor_create_table_qs, 0, 0, 0))((void) sizeof ((0 == sqlite3_exec(conn, tensor_create_table_qs
, 0, 0, 0)) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0 == sqlite3_exec(
conn, tensor_create_table_qs, 0, 0, 0)) ; else __assert_fail (
"SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_exec(conn, tensor_create_table_qs, 0, 0, 0)"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 31, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
32 const char tensor_insert_qs[] =
33 "REPLACE INTO tensors "
34 "(name, type, format, datatype, dim, data) VALUES ("
35 "$name, $type, $format, $datatype, $dim, $data)";
36 sqlite3_stmt* tensor_insert_stmt = 0;
37 SQLITE_ENFORCE(SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, tensor_insert_qs, sizeof(tensor_insert_qs), &tensor_insert_stmt, 0))((void) sizeof ((0 == sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, tensor_insert_qs
, sizeof(tensor_insert_qs), &tensor_insert_stmt, 0)) ? 1 :
0), __extension__ ({ if (0 == sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, tensor_insert_qs
, sizeof(tensor_insert_qs), &tensor_insert_stmt, 0)) ; else
__assert_fail ("SQLITE_OK == sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, tensor_insert_qs, sizeof(tensor_insert_qs), &tensor_insert_stmt, 0)"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 37, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
38 sqlite3_bind_text(tensor_insert_stmt, 1, name, -1, 0);
39 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params = tensor->info;
40 const size_t data_size = ccv_nnc_tensor_data_size_without_padding(tensor->info);
41 unsigned char* workspace = 0;
42 unsigned int identifier = 0;
43#ifdef HAVE_CUDA1
44 if (CCV_TENSOR_GET_MEMORY(tensor->info.type)((tensor->info.type) & 0x3) == CCV_TENSOR_GPU_MEMORY)
45 {
46 if (!options || !options->encode)
47 {
48 workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size);
49 cumemcpy(workspace, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, tensor->data.u8, tensor->info.type, data_size);
50 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, workspace, data_size, 0);
51 } else {
52 workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size * 2 + 4);
53 cumemcpy(workspace, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, tensor->data.u8, tensor->info.type, data_size);
54 size_t encoded_size = data_size + 4;
55 if (options->encode(workspace, data_size, tensor->info.datatype, tensor->info.dim, ccv_nnc_tensor_nd(tensor->info.dim), options->context, workspace + data_size, &encoded_size, &params, &identifier))
56 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, workspace + data_size, encoded_size, 0);
57 else
58 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, workspace, data_size, 0);
59 }
60 } else {
61 if (!options || !options->encode)
62 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, tensor->data.u8, data_size, 0);
63 else {
64 workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size + 4);
65 size_t encoded_size = data_size + 4;
66 if (options->encode(tensor->data.u8, data_size, tensor->info.datatype, tensor->info.dim, ccv_nnc_tensor_nd(tensor->info.dim), options->context, workspace, &encoded_size, &params, &identifier))
67 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, workspace, encoded_size, 0);
68 else
69 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, tensor->data.u8, data_size, 0);
70 }
71 }
72#elif defined(HAVE_MPS)
73 if (CCV_TENSOR_GET_MEMORY(tensor->info.type)((tensor->info.type) & 0x3) == CCV_TENSOR_GPU_MEMORY)
74 {
75 if (!options || !options->encode)
76 {
77 workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size);
78 mpmemcpy(workspace, 0, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, tensor->data.u8, tensor->dataof, tensor->info.type, data_size);
79 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, workspace, data_size, 0);
80 } else {
81 workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size * 2 + 4);
82 mpmemcpy(workspace, 0, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, tensor->data.u8, tensor->dataof, tensor->info.type, data_size);
83 size_t encoded_size = data_size + 4;
84 if (options->encode(workspace, data_size, tensor->info.datatype, tensor->info.dim, ccv_nnc_tensor_nd(tensor->info.dim), options->context, workspace + data_size, &encoded_size, &params, &identifier))
85 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, workspace + data_size, encoded_size, 0);
86 else
87 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, workspace, data_size, 0);
88 }
89 } else {
90 if (!options || !options->encode)
91 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, tensor->data.u8, data_size, 0);
92 else {
93 workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size + 4); // Allocate extra 4 bytes in case we need to copy the QX tensor out.
94 size_t encoded_size = data_size + 4;
95 if (options->encode(tensor->data.u8, data_size, tensor->info.datatype, tensor->info.dim, ccv_nnc_tensor_nd(tensor->info.dim), options->context, workspace, &encoded_size, &params, &identifier))
96 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, workspace, encoded_size, 0);
97 else
98 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, tensor->data.u8, data_size, 0);
99 }
100 }
102 if (!options || !options->encode)
103 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, tensor->data.u8, data_size, 0);
104 else {
105 workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size + 4);
106 size_t encoded_size = data_size + 4;
107 if (options->encode(tensor->data.u8, data_size, tensor->info.datatype, tensor->info.dim, ccv_nnc_tensor_nd(tensor->info.dim), options->context, workspace, &encoded_size, &params, &identifier))
108 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, workspace, encoded_size, 0);
109 else
110 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 6, tensor->data.u8, data_size, 0);
111 }
113 sqlite3_bind_int64(tensor_insert_stmt, 2, ((sqlite_int64)identifier << 32) | params.type);
114 sqlite3_bind_int(tensor_insert_stmt, 3, params.format);
115 sqlite3_bind_int64(tensor_insert_stmt, 4, ((sqlite_int64)params.reserved << 32) | params.datatype);
116 sqlite3_bind_blob(tensor_insert_stmt, 5, params.dim, sizeof(params.dim), 0);
117 sqlite3_step(tensor_insert_stmt);
118 sqlite3_reset(tensor_insert_stmt);
119 sqlite3_clear_bindings(tensor_insert_stmt);
120 sqlite3_finalize(tensor_insert_stmt);
121 if (workspace)
122 free(workspace);
123 return CCV_IO_FINAL;
126int ccv_nnc_tensor_read(void* const handle, const char* const name, const ccv_nnc_tensor_io_option_t* const options, const int flags, const ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t* const tensor_params_optional, ccv_nnc_tensor_t** const tensor_out)
128 assert(name)((void) sizeof ((name) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (name) ;
else __assert_fail ("name", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 128, __extension__
129 sqlite3* conn = (sqlite3*)handle;
130 if (!conn)
131 return CCV_IO_ERROR;
132 const char tensor_select_qs[] =
133 "SELECT data, type, format, datatype, dim FROM tensors WHERE name=$name";
134 sqlite3_stmt* tensor_select_stmt = 0;
135 if (SQLITE_OK0 != sqlite3_prepare_v2(conn, tensor_select_qs, sizeof(tensor_select_qs), &tensor_select_stmt, 0))
136 return CCV_IO_ERROR;
137 sqlite3_bind_text(tensor_select_stmt, 1, name, -1, 0);
138 if (SQLITE_ROW100 != sqlite3_step(tensor_select_stmt))
139 {
140 sqlite3_finalize(tensor_select_stmt);
141 return CCV_IO_ERROR;
142 }
143 ccv_nnc_tensor_t* tensor = *tensor_out;
144 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t tensor_params;
145 int datatype = 0;
146 unsigned int identifier = 0;
147 if (!tensor) // If the tensor is not provided, we need to create one.
148 {
149 if (tensor_params_optional)
150 {
151 identifier = (sqlite3_column_int64(tensor_select_stmt, 1) >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
152 datatype = sqlite3_column_int64(tensor_select_stmt, 3) & 0xffffffff;
153 tensor_params = *tensor_params_optional;
154 assert(!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY))((void) sizeof ((!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY
)) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY
)) ; else __assert_fail ("!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY)"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 154, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
155 } else {
156 const sqlite_int64 type = sqlite3_column_int64(tensor_select_stmt, 1);
157 identifier = (type >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
158 tensor_params.type = (type & 0xffffffff);
159 tensor_params.format = sqlite3_column_int(tensor_select_stmt, 2);
160 const sqlite_int64 datatype_mix = sqlite3_column_int64(tensor_select_stmt, 3);
161 datatype = tensor_params.datatype = (datatype_mix & 0xffffffff);
162 tensor_params.reserved = (datatype_mix >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
163 const void* const dim = sqlite3_column_blob(tensor_select_stmt, 4);
164 memcpy(tensor_params.dim, dim, ccv_min(sizeof(tensor_params.dim), sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 4))({ typeof (sizeof(tensor_params.dim)) _a = (sizeof(tensor_params
.dim)); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 4)) _b
= (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 4)); (_a < _b
) ? _a : _b; })
165 }
166 if (!options || !options->decode)
167 {
169 {
170 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, CCV_NO_DATA_ALLOC); // Set the data point to 1 so it is allocated without data.
171 assert(tensor->data.u8 == 0)((void) sizeof ((tensor->data.u8 == 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (tensor->data.u8 == 0) ; else __assert_fail ("tensor->data.u8 == 0"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 171, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; // Set it back to 0.
172 // Already done loading metadata, return.
173 sqlite3_reset(tensor_select_stmt);
174 sqlite3_clear_bindings(tensor_select_stmt);
175 sqlite3_finalize(tensor_select_stmt);
176 return CCV_IO_FINAL;
177 } else
178 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
179 } else {
180 assert(!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY))((void) sizeof ((!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY
)) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY
)) ; else __assert_fail ("!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY)"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 180, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
181 }
182 } else {
183 identifier = (sqlite3_column_int64(tensor_select_stmt, 1) >> 32) & 0xffffffff;
184 datatype = sqlite3_column_int(tensor_select_stmt, 3) & 0xffffffff;
185 tensor_params = tensor->info;
186 assert(!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY))((void) sizeof ((!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY
)) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY
)) ; else __assert_fail ("!(flags & CCV_NNC_TENSOR_READ_METADATA_ONLY)"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 186, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
187 }
188 const void* const data = sqlite3_column_blob(tensor_select_stmt, 0);
189 int dim[CCV_NNC_MAX_DIM_ALLOC(12)];
190 memcpy(dim, sqlite3_column_blob(tensor_select_stmt, 4), ccv_min(sizeof(dim), sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 4))({ typeof (sizeof(dim)) _a = (sizeof(dim)); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 4)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 4)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
191 const int nd = ccv_nnc_tensor_nd(dim);
192 if (datatype != tensor_params.datatype && CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_params.datatype)((tensor_params.datatype) & 0xFF000) != CCV_QX)
193 {
194 // Only ever works for 16F to 32F or 32F to 16F transparently.
195 assert((datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F) || (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F))((void) sizeof (((datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params
.datatype == CCV_32F) || (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params
.datatype == CCV_16F)) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if ((datatype
== CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F) || (
datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F
)) ; else __assert_fail ("(datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F) || (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F)"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 195, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
196 const size_t tensor_count = ccv_nnc_tensor_count(tensor_params);
197 ccv_nnc_tensor_param_t params = tensor_params;
198 params.datatype = datatype;
199 const size_t source_data_size = ccv_nnc_tensor_data_size(params);
200#ifdef HAVE_CUDA1
201 if (CCV_TENSOR_GET_MEMORY(tensor_params.type)((tensor_params.type) & 0x3) == CCV_TENSOR_GPU_MEMORY)
202 {
203 const size_t data_size = ccv_nnc_tensor_data_size(tensor_params);
204 unsigned char* workspace;
205 unsigned char* copying;
206 size_t decoded_size = data_size;
207 if (!options || !options->decode)
208 {
209 copying = workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size);
210 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
211 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, (float*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
212 else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F)
213 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
214 else
215 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 215, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
216 } else {
217 copying = workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size + source_data_size);
218 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
219 {
220 decoded_size = source_data_size;
221 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace + data_size, &decoded_size))
222 {
223 // If we loaded quantized tensor, don't do the conversion.
224 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
225 copying = workspace + data_size;
226 else {
227 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)(workspace + data_size), (float*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
228 decoded_size = data_size;
229 }
230 } else {
231 if (!tensor)
232 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
Although the value stored to 'tensor' is used in the enclosing expression, the value is never actually read from 'tensor'
233 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, (float*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
234 decoded_size = data_size;
235 }
236 } else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F) {
237 decoded_size = source_data_size;
238 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace + data_size, &decoded_size))
239 {
240 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
241 copying = workspace + data_size;
242 else {
243 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)(workspace + data_size), (uint16_t*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(float
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
244 decoded_size = data_size;
245 }
246 } else {
247 if (!tensor)
248 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
249 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
250 decoded_size = data_size;
251 }
252 } else
253 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 253, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
254 }
255 cumemcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.u8, tensor_out[0]->info.type, copying, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, decoded_size);
256 ccfreefree(workspace);
257 } else {
258 if (!options || !options->decode)
259 {
260 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
261 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, tensor->data.f32, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
262 else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F)
263 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)tensor->data.f16, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
264 else
265 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 265, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
266 } else {
267 void* const workspace = ccmallocmalloc(source_data_size);
268 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
269 {
270 size_t decoded_size = source_data_size;
271 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace, &decoded_size))
272 {
273 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
274 {
275 if (decoded_size > 0)
276 memcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.f32, workspace, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size)({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (
decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
277 } else
278 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)workspace, tensor_out[0]->data.f32, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
279 } else {
280 if (!tensor)
281 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
282 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, tensor->data.f32, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
283 }
284 } else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F) {
285 size_t decoded_size = source_data_size;
286 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace, &decoded_size))
287 {
288 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
289 {
290 if (decoded_size > 0)
291 memcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.f16, workspace, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size)({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (
decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
292 } else
293 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)workspace, (uint16_t*)tensor_out[0]->data.f16, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(float
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
294 } else {
295 if (!tensor)
296 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
297 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)tensor->data.f16, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
298 }
299 } else
300 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 300, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
301 ccfreefree(workspace);
302 }
303 }
304#elif defined(HAVE_MPS)
305 if (CCV_TENSOR_GET_MEMORY(tensor_params.type)((tensor_params.type) & 0x3) == CCV_TENSOR_GPU_MEMORY)
306 {
307 const size_t data_size = ccv_nnc_tensor_data_size(tensor_params);
308 unsigned char* workspace;
309 unsigned char* copying;
310 size_t decoded_size = data_size;
311 if (!options || !options->decode)
312 {
313 copying = workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size);
314 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
315 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, (float*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
316 else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F)
317 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
318 else
319 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 319, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
320 } else {
321 copying = workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size + source_data_size);
322 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
323 {
324 decoded_size = source_data_size;
325 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace + data_size, &decoded_size))
326 {
327 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
328 copying = workspace + data_size;
329 else {
330 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)(workspace + data_size), (float*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
331 decoded_size = data_size;
332 }
333 } else {
334 if (!tensor)
335 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
336 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, (float*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
337 decoded_size = data_size;
338 }
339 } else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F) {
340 decoded_size = source_data_size;
341 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace + data_size, &decoded_size))
342 {
343 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
344 copying = workspace + data_size;
345 else {
346 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)(workspace + data_size), (uint16_t*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(float
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
347 decoded_size = data_size;
348 }
349 } else {
350 if (!tensor)
351 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
352 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)workspace, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
353 decoded_size = data_size;
354 }
355 } else
356 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 356, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
357 }
358 assert(tensor_out[0]->dataof == 0)((void) sizeof ((tensor_out[0]->dataof == 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (tensor_out[0]->dataof == 0) ; else __assert_fail (
"tensor_out[0]->dataof == 0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 358, __extension__
359 mpmemcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.u8, tensor_out[0]->dataof, tensor_out[0]->info.type, copying, 0, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, decoded_size);
360 ccfreefree(workspace);
361 } else {
362 if (!options || !options->decode)
363 {
364 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
365 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, tensor->data.f32, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
366 else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F)
367 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)tensor->data.f16, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
368 else
369 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 369, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
370 } else {
371 void* const workspace = ccmallocmalloc(source_data_size);
372 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
373 {
374 size_t decoded_size = source_data_size;
375 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace, &decoded_size))
376 {
377 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
378 {
379 if (decoded_size > 0)
380 memcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.f32, workspace, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size)({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (
decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
381 } else
382 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)workspace, tensor_out[0]->data.f32, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
383 } else {
384 if (!tensor)
385 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
386 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, tensor->data.f32, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
387 }
388 } else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F) {
389 size_t decoded_size = source_data_size;
390 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace, &decoded_size))
391 {
392 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
393 {
394 if (decoded_size > 0)
395 memcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.f16, workspace, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size)({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (
decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
396 } else
397 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)workspace, (uint16_t*)tensor_out[0]->data.f16, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(float
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
398 } else {
399 if (!tensor)
400 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
401 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)tensor->data.f16, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
402 }
403 } else
404 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 404, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
405 ccfreefree(workspace);
406 }
407 }
409 if (!options || !options->decode)
410 {
411 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
412 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, tensor->data.f32, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
413 else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F)
414 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)tensor->data.f16, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
415 else
416 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 416, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
417 } else {
418 void* const workspace = ccmallocmalloc(source_data_size);
419 if (datatype == CCV_16F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_32F)
420 {
421 size_t decoded_size = source_data_size;
422 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace, &decoded_size))
423 {
424 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
425 {
426 if (decoded_size > 0)
427 memcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.f32, workspace, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size)({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (
decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
428 } else
429 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)workspace, tensor_out[0]->data.f32, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
430 } else {
431 if (!tensor)
432 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
433 ccv_half_precision_to_float((uint16_t*)data, tensor->data.f32, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(uint16_t)); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; })
434 }
435 } else if (datatype == CCV_32F && tensor_params.datatype == CCV_16F) {
436 size_t decoded_size = source_data_size;
437 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace, &decoded_size))
438 {
439 if (CCV_GET_DATA_TYPE(tensor_out[0]->info.datatype)((tensor_out[0]->info.datatype) & 0xFF000) == CCV_QX)
440 {
441 if (decoded_size > 0)
442 memcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.f16, workspace, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size)({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (
decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
443 } else
444 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)workspace, (uint16_t*)tensor_out[0]->data.f16, ccv_min(tensor_count, ccv_min(source_data_size, decoded_size) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (({ typeof
(source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size); typeof (decoded_size
) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; }) / sizeof(float
)) _b = (({ typeof (source_data_size) _a = (source_data_size)
; typeof (decoded_size) _b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a
: _b; }) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
445 } else {
446 if (!tensor)
447 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
448 ccv_float_to_half_precision((float*)data, (uint16_t*)tensor->data.f16, ccv_min(tensor_count, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float))({ typeof (tensor_count) _a = (tensor_count); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0) / sizeof(float)); (_a < _b) ? _a :
_b; })
449 }
450 } else
451 { assert(0)((void) sizeof ((0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (0) ; else __assert_fail
("0", "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 451, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
452 ccfreefree(workspace);
453 }
455 } else {
456 // If it is QX, we need to have a custom decoder to decode properly.
457 if (datatype != tensor_params.datatype)
458 { assert(options && options->decode)((void) sizeof ((options && options->decode) ? 1 :
0), __extension__ ({ if (options && options->decode
) ; else __assert_fail ("options && options->decode"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 458, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
459 size_t data_size = ccv_nnc_tensor_data_size(tensor_params);
460#ifdef HAVE_CUDA1
461 if (!options || !options->decode)
462 {
463 if (CCV_TENSOR_GET_MEMORY(tensor_params.type)((tensor_params.type) & 0x3) == CCV_TENSOR_GPU_MEMORY)
464 cumemcpy(tensor->data.u8, tensor->info.type, data, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
465 else
466 memcpy(tensor->data.u8, data, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
467 } else {
468 if (CCV_TENSOR_GET_MEMORY(tensor_params.type)((tensor_params.type) & 0x3) == CCV_TENSOR_GPU_MEMORY)
469 {
470 void* const workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size);
471 size_t decoded_size = data_size;
472 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace, &decoded_size))
473 cumemcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.u8, tensor_out[0]->info.type, workspace, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, ccv_min(data_size, decoded_size)({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (decoded_size)
_b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
474 else {
475 if (!tensor)
476 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
477 cumemcpy(tensor->data.u8, tensor->info.type, data, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
478 }
479 ccfreefree(workspace);
480 } else {
481 size_t decoded_size = data_size;
482 if (!options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, tensor ? tensor->data.u8 : 0, &decoded_size))
483 {
484 if (!tensor)
485 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
486 memcpy(tensor->data.u8, data, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
487 }
488 }
489 }
490#elif defined(HAVE_MPS)
491 if (!options || !options->decode)
492 {
493 if (CCV_TENSOR_GET_MEMORY(tensor_params.type)((tensor_params.type) & 0x3) == CCV_TENSOR_GPU_MEMORY)
494 {
495 assert(tensor->dataof == 0)((void) sizeof ((tensor->dataof == 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (tensor->dataof == 0) ; else __assert_fail ("tensor->dataof == 0"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 495, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
496 mpmemcpy(tensor->data.u8, tensor->dataof, tensor->info.type, data, 0, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
497 } else
498 memcpy(tensor->data.u8, data, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
499 } else {
500 if (CCV_TENSOR_GET_MEMORY(tensor_params.type)((tensor_params.type) & 0x3) == CCV_TENSOR_GPU_MEMORY)
501 {
502 if (tensor)
503 { assert(tensor->dataof == 0)((void) sizeof ((tensor->dataof == 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (tensor->dataof == 0) ; else __assert_fail ("tensor->dataof == 0"
, "ccv_nnc_tensor_io.c", 503, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
); }))
; }
504 void* const workspace = ccmallocmalloc(data_size);
505 size_t decoded_size = data_size;
506 if (options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, workspace, &decoded_size)) {
507 mpmemcpy(tensor_out[0]->data.u8, tensor_out[0]->dataof, tensor_out[0]->info.type, workspace, 0, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, ccv_min(data_size, decoded_size)({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (decoded_size)
_b = (decoded_size); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
508 } else {
509 if (!tensor)
510 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
511 mpmemcpy(tensor->data.u8, tensor->dataof, tensor->info.type, data, 0, CCV_TENSOR_CPU_MEMORY, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
512 }
513 ccfreefree(workspace);
514 } else {
515 size_t decoded_size = data_size;
516 if (!options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, tensor ? tensor->data.u8 : 0, &decoded_size))
517 {
518 if (!tensor)
519 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
520 memcpy(tensor->data.u8, data, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
521 }
522 }
523 }
525 if (!options || !options->decode)
526 memcpy(tensor->data.u8, data, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
527 else {
528 size_t decoded_size = data_size;
529 if (!options->decode(data, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0), datatype, dim, nd, identifier, options->context, tensor_params, tensor_out, tensor ? tensor->data.u8 : 0, &decoded_size))
530 {
531 if (!tensor)
532 *tensor_out = tensor = ccv_nnc_tensor_new(0, tensor_params, 0);
533 memcpy(tensor->data.u8, data, ccv_min(data_size, sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt, 0))({ typeof (data_size) _a = (data_size); typeof (sqlite3_column_bytes
(tensor_select_stmt, 0)) _b = (sqlite3_column_bytes(tensor_select_stmt
, 0)); (_a < _b) ? _a : _b; })
534 }
535 }
537 }
538 tensor_out[0]->type &= ~CCV_GARBAGE; // If it is marked as garbage, remove that mark now.
539 sqlite3_reset(tensor_select_stmt);
540 sqlite3_clear_bindings(tensor_select_stmt);
541 sqlite3_finalize(tensor_select_stmt);
542 return CCV_IO_FINAL;