Bug Summary

Warning:line 88, column 4
Use of memory allocated with size zero

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph_chain_decomposition.c -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -pic-is-pie -mframe-pointer=none -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -target-feature +sse2 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fdebug-compilation-dir=/home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/lib/nnc -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/lib/nnc -resource-dir /usr/local/lib/clang/19 -I ../ -I /usr/local/cuda/include -D HAVE_CBLAS -D HAVE_LIBPNG -D HAVE_LIBJPEG -D HAVE_FFTW3 -D HAVE_PTHREAD -D HAVE_LIBLINEAR -D HAVE_TESSERACT -D HAVE_AVCODEC -D HAVE_AVFORMAT -D HAVE_AVUTIL -D HAVE_SWSCALE -D HAVE_SSE2 -D HAVE_GSL -D HAVE_CUDA -D HAVE_CUDNN -D HAVE_NCCL -D USE_SYSTEM_CUB -I /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/lib/clang/19/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O3 -ferror-limit 19 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fskip-odr-check-in-gmf -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/_analyze/2025-01-19-165611-109256-1 -x c ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph_chain_decomposition.c
1#include "ccv_nnc.h"
2#include "ccv_nnc_easy.h"
3#include "ccv_nnc_internal.h"
4#include "ccv_internal.h"
5#include "_ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph.h"
7// Implement the new method for exec_dep. We use chain decomposition such that each node only needs to log which chain and at which node to be dependent on.
8ccv_nnc_exec_dep_t ccv_nnc_exec_dep_new(const ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph_t* const graph, const ccv_nnc_graph_visit_t* const visit)
10 const int exec_symbol_info_size = graph->exec_symbol_info->rnum;
11 int* chain_ids = ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(int) * exec_symbol_info_size * 2);
12 int* chain_pos = chain_ids + exec_symbol_info_size;
13 int* buf = (int*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(int) * exec_symbol_info_size);
14 int* reversed_depth = buf;
15 const ccv_nnc_graph_exec_symbol_info_t* const exec_symbol_info = (ccv_nnc_graph_exec_symbol_info_t*)ccv_array_get(graph->exec_symbol_info, 0)((void*)(((char*)((graph->exec_symbol_info)->data)) + (
size_t)(graph->exec_symbol_info)->rsize * (size_t)(0)))
16 int i, j;
17 // Go reverse order to generate the distance from sink.
18 ccv_nnc_graph_visit_for_reversed(visit, exec_symbol_info, node, idx, term){ int _i_; for (_i_ = (visit)->size - 1; _i_ >= 0; _i_--
) { const int idx __attribute__((unused)) = (visit)->node[
_i_].index; const int term __attribute__((unused)) = (visit)->
node[_i_].term; typeof ((exec_symbol_info)) const node __attribute__
((unused)) = (exec_symbol_info) + idx;
Assuming '_i_' is >= 0
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Assuming '_i_' is < 0
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 38
19 if (node->flags & CCV_NNC_GRAPH_EXEC_DEAD)
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
20 continue;
Execution continues on line 18
21 chain_ids[idx] = -1;
22 if (!node->outgoings || node->outgoings->rnum == 0)
23 {
24 reversed_depth[idx] = 0;
25 continue;
26 }
27 const int outgoing = *(int*)ccv_array_get(node->outgoings, 0)((void*)(((char*)((node->outgoings)->data)) + (size_t)(
node->outgoings)->rsize * (size_t)(0)))
28 int depth = reversed_depth[outgoing];
29 for (i = 1; i < node->outgoings->rnum; i++)
30 {
31 const int outgoing = *(int*)ccv_array_get(node->outgoings, i)((void*)(((char*)((node->outgoings)->data)) + (size_t)(
node->outgoings)->rsize * (size_t)(i)))
32 depth = ccv_max(depth, reversed_depth[outgoing])({ typeof (depth) _a = (depth); typeof (reversed_depth[outgoing
]) _b = (reversed_depth[outgoing]); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; }
33 }
34 reversed_depth[idx] = depth + 1;
35 } ccv_nnc_graph_visit_endfor} }
36 // Go in order to generate chain ids (if there are multiple exits, we use the reverse depth to break the tie).
37 // Note that we cannot use depth so-far because then multiple exit nodes are equally good to "inherit" the chain selection.
38 int chain_count = 0;
39 ccv_nnc_graph_visit_for(visit, exec_symbol_info, node, idx, term){ int _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (visit)->size; _i_++) { const
int idx __attribute__((unused)) = (visit)->node[_i_].index
; const int term __attribute__((unused)) = (visit)->node[_i_
].term; typeof ((exec_symbol_info)) const node __attribute__(
(unused)) = (exec_symbol_info) + idx;
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 67
40 if (node->flags & CCV_NNC_GRAPH_EXEC_DEAD)
Assuming the condition is false
Taking false branch
41 continue;
42 int chain_id = chain_ids[idx];
43 if (chain_ids[idx] < 0)
Assuming the condition is false
44 {
45 chain_id = chain_count;
46 chain_ids[idx] = chain_id;
47 chain_pos[idx] = 1; // The first one in this chain. 1-based index because in sparse matrix, 0 is the default value.
48 chain_count += 1;
49 }
50 if (!node->outgoings || node->outgoings->rnum == 0)
Assuming field 'outgoings' is null
51 continue;
Execution continues on line 39
52 int depth = -1;
53 int next_idx = -1;
54 for (i = 0; i < node->outgoings->rnum; i++)
55 {
56 const int outgoing = *(int*)ccv_array_get(node->outgoings, i)((void*)(((char*)((node->outgoings)->data)) + (size_t)(
node->outgoings)->rsize * (size_t)(i)))
57 if (chain_ids[outgoing] < 0 && reversed_depth[outgoing] > depth)
58 depth = reversed_depth[outgoing], next_idx = outgoing;
59 }
60 if (next_idx >= 0)
61 {
62 chain_ids[next_idx] = chain_id;
63 assert(reversed_depth[idx] - depth >= 1)((void) sizeof ((reversed_depth[idx] - depth >= 1) ? 1 : 0
), __extension__ ({ if (reversed_depth[idx] - depth >= 1) ;
else __assert_fail ("reversed_depth[idx] - depth >= 1", "ccv_nnc_symbolic_graph_chain_decomposition.c"
, 63, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
64 chain_pos[next_idx] = chain_pos[idx] + (reversed_depth[idx] - depth);
65 }
66 } ccv_nnc_graph_visit_endfor} }
67 if (exec_symbol_info_size < chain_count * 3) // Be more conservative on RAM usage.
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
68 buf = ccreallocrealloc(buf, sizeof(int) * chain_count * 3);
69 ccv_sparse_matrix_t* deps = ccv_sparse_matrix_new(graph->exec_symbol_info->rnum, chain_count, CCV_32S | CCV_C2, CCV_SPARSE_ROW_MAJOR, 0);
70 // It logs which pos on that chain we depend on. We can simply compare that with the chain_pos for a node to know if they are ancestors.
71#define for_block(x, val) \
72 do { \
73 if (((int32_t*)val)[0] > 0) \
74 { \
75 buf[buf_size * 3] = x; \
76 buf[buf_size * 3 + 1] = ((int32_t*)val)[0]; \
77 buf[buf_size * 3 + 2] = ((int32_t*)val)[1] + 1; \
78 ++buf_size; \
79 } \
80 } while (0)
81 int buf_size;
82 ccv_nnc_graph_visit_for(visit, exec_symbol_info, node, idx, term){ int _i_; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (visit)->size; _i_++) { const
int idx __attribute__((unused)) = (visit)->node[_i_].index
; const int term __attribute__((unused)) = (visit)->node[_i_
].term; typeof ((exec_symbol_info)) const node __attribute__(
(unused)) = (exec_symbol_info) + idx;
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
83 if (node->flags & CCV_NNC_GRAPH_EXEC_DEAD)
Taking false branch
84 continue;
85 buf_size = 0; /* save all its parent deps to this buffer */
86 ccv_sparse_matrix_vector_t* vector = ccv_get_sparse_matrix_vector(deps, idx);
87 if (vector)
Assuming 'vector' is non-null
Taking true branch
88 CCV_SPARSE_VECTOR_FOREACH(deps, vector, for_block)do { switch ((((deps)->type) & 0xFF000)) { case CCV_32S
: { do { int _i_; __attribute__((unused)) const size_t _c_ = (
((deps)->type) & 0xFFF); if ((deps)->type & CCV_DENSE_VECTOR
) { for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (vector)->size; _i_++) { for_block
((_i_), ((vector)->data.i32 + (_i_ * _c_))); } } else { const
size_t _idx_size_ = sizeof(ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t) + ((_ccv_get_data_type_size
[(((deps)->type) & 0xFF000) >> 12] * (((deps)->
type) & 0xFFF) + 3) & -4); uint8_t* const _vidx_ = (uint8_t
*)(vector)->index; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (vector)->size
; _i_++) { ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t* const _idx_i_ = (ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t
*)(_vidx_ + _idx_size_ * _i_); if (_idx_i_->ifbit <= 1)
continue; ccv_numeric_data_t _d_ = { .u8 = (uint8_t*)(_idx_i_
+ 1) }; for_block((_idx_i_->i), (_d_.i32 + (0))); } } } while
(0); break; } case CCV_32F: { do { int _i_; __attribute__((unused
)) const size_t _c_ = (((deps)->type) & 0xFFF); if ((deps
)->type & CCV_DENSE_VECTOR) { for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (
vector)->size; _i_++) { for_block((_i_), ((vector)->data
.f32 + (_i_ * _c_))); } } else { const size_t _idx_size_ = sizeof
(ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t) + ((_ccv_get_data_type_size[(((deps
)->type) & 0xFF000) >> 12] * (((deps)->type) &
0xFFF) + 3) & -4); uint8_t* const _vidx_ = (uint8_t*)(vector
)->index; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (vector)->size; _i_++)
{ ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t* const _idx_i_ = (ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t
*)(_vidx_ + _idx_size_ * _i_); if (_idx_i_->ifbit <= 1)
continue; ccv_numeric_data_t _d_ = { .u8 = (uint8_t*)(_idx_i_
+ 1) }; for_block((_idx_i_->i), (_d_.f32 + (0))); } } } while
(0); break; } case CCV_64S: { do { int _i_; __attribute__((unused
)) const size_t _c_ = (((deps)->type) & 0xFFF); if ((deps
)->type & CCV_DENSE_VECTOR) { for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (
vector)->size; _i_++) { for_block((_i_), ((vector)->data
.i64 + (_i_ * _c_))); } } else { const size_t _idx_size_ = sizeof
(ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t) + ((_ccv_get_data_type_size[(((deps
)->type) & 0xFF000) >> 12] * (((deps)->type) &
0xFFF) + 3) & -4); uint8_t* const _vidx_ = (uint8_t*)(vector
)->index; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (vector)->size; _i_++)
{ ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t* const _idx_i_ = (ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t
*)(_vidx_ + _idx_size_ * _i_); if (_idx_i_->ifbit <= 1)
continue; ccv_numeric_data_t _d_ = { .u8 = (uint8_t*)(_idx_i_
+ 1) }; for_block((_idx_i_->i), (_d_.i64 + (0))); } } } while
(0); break; } case CCV_64F: { do { int _i_; __attribute__((unused
)) const size_t _c_ = (((deps)->type) & 0xFFF); if ((deps
)->type & CCV_DENSE_VECTOR) { for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (
vector)->size; _i_++) { for_block((_i_), ((vector)->data
.f64 + (_i_ * _c_))); } } else { const size_t _idx_size_ = sizeof
(ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t) + ((_ccv_get_data_type_size[(((deps
)->type) & 0xFF000) >> 12] * (((deps)->type) &
0xFFF) + 3) & -4); uint8_t* const _vidx_ = (uint8_t*)(vector
)->index; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (vector)->size; _i_++)
{ ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t* const _idx_i_ = (ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t
*)(_vidx_ + _idx_size_ * _i_); if (_idx_i_->ifbit <= 1)
continue; ccv_numeric_data_t _d_ = { .u8 = (uint8_t*)(_idx_i_
+ 1) }; for_block((_idx_i_->i), (_d_.f64 + (0))); } } } while
(0); break; } default: { do { int _i_; __attribute__((unused
)) const size_t _c_ = (((deps)->type) & 0xFFF); if ((deps
)->type & CCV_DENSE_VECTOR) { for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (
vector)->size; _i_++) { for_block((_i_), ((vector)->data
.u8 + (_i_ * _c_))); } } else { const size_t _idx_size_ = sizeof
(ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t) + ((_ccv_get_data_type_size[(((deps
)->type) & 0xFF000) >> 12] * (((deps)->type) &
0xFFF) + 3) & -4); uint8_t* const _vidx_ = (uint8_t*)(vector
)->index; for (_i_ = 0; _i_ < (vector)->size; _i_++)
{ ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t* const _idx_i_ = (ccv_sparse_matrix_index_t
*)(_vidx_ + _idx_size_ * _i_); if (_idx_i_->ifbit <= 1)
continue; ccv_numeric_data_t _d_ = { .u8 = (uint8_t*)(_idx_i_
+ 1) }; for_block((_idx_i_->i), (_d_.u8 + (0))); } } } while
(0); } } } while (0)
Control jumps to 'case CCV_32S:' at line 88
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
Assuming '_i_' is < field 'size'
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
Use of memory allocated with size zero
89 if (!node->outgoings)
90 continue;
91 const int chain_id = chain_ids[idx];
92 const int pos = chain_pos[idx];
93 for (i = 0; i < node->outgoings->rnum; i++)
94 {
95 const int outgoing = *(int*)ccv_array_get(node->outgoings, i)((void*)(((char*)((node->outgoings)->data)) + (size_t)(
node->outgoings)->rsize * (size_t)(i)))
96 const int outgoing_chain_id = chain_ids[outgoing];
97 if (outgoing_chain_id != chain_id)
98 {
99 ccv_numeric_data_t cell = ccv_get_sparse_matrix_cell(deps, outgoing, chain_id);
100 /* If not found, set, if the current node is the destination node, no need
101 * set itself as parent of subsequent nodes because its terminal nature. */
102 if (!cell.i32 || cell.i32[0] == 0 || cell.i32[0] < pos)
103 {
104 int p[2] = { pos, 1 };
105 ccv_set_sparse_matrix_cell(deps, outgoing, chain_id, &p);
106 }
107 }
108 if (buf_size > 0)
109 {
110 ccv_sparse_matrix_vector_t* vector = ccv_get_sparse_matrix_vector(deps, outgoing);
111 for (j = 0; j < buf_size; j++) /* set with all idx's dependencies as well */
112 {
113 if (outgoing_chain_id == buf[j * 3]) // We don't need to add as dependency for the same chain.
114 continue;
115 if (!vector)
116 {
117 ccv_set_sparse_matrix_cell(deps, outgoing, buf[j * 3], &buf[j * 3 + 1]);
118 vector = ccv_get_sparse_matrix_vector(deps, outgoing);
119 continue;
120 }
121 ccv_numeric_data_t cell = ccv_get_sparse_matrix_cell_from_vector(deps, vector, buf[j * 3]);
122 /* If not found, set. Otherwise, set to the latest one only if it is later. */
123 if (!cell.i32)
124 ccv_set_sparse_matrix_cell_from_vector(deps, vector, buf[j * 3], &buf[j * 3 + 1]);
125 else if (cell.i32[0] == 0 || cell.i32[0] < buf[j * 3 + 1])
126 ccv_set_sparse_matrix_cell_from_vector(deps, vector, buf[j * 3], &buf[j * 3 + 1]);
127 else if (cell.i32[0] == buf[j * 3 + 1]) { // If we point to the same one, use the longest.
128 int p[2] = { cell.i32[0], ccv_max(buf[j * 3 + 2], cell.i32[1])({ typeof (buf[j * 3 + 2]) _a = (buf[j * 3 + 2]); typeof (cell
.i32[1]) _b = (cell.i32[1]); (_a > _b) ? _a : _b; })
129 ccv_set_sparse_matrix_cell_from_vector(deps, vector, buf[j * 3], &p);
130 }
131 }
132 }
133 }
134 } ccv_nnc_graph_visit_endfor} }
135#undef for_block
136 ccfreefree(buf);
137 ccv_nnc_exec_dep_t exec_dep = {
138 .chain_ids = chain_ids,
139 .chain_pos = chain_pos,
140 .deps = deps
141 };
142 return exec_dep;
145void ccv_nnc_exec_dep_free(const ccv_nnc_exec_dep_t exec_dep)
147 ccfreefree(exec_dep.chain_ids);
148 ccv_matrix_free(exec_dep.deps);