Bug Summary

Warning:line 10, column 1
Array access (via field 'flags') results in a null pointer dereference

Annotated Source Code

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clang -cc1 -cc1 -triple x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu -analyze -disable-free -clear-ast-before-backend -disable-llvm-verifier -discard-value-names -main-file-name ccv_nnc_micro.c -analyzer-checker=core -analyzer-checker=apiModeling -analyzer-checker=unix -analyzer-checker=deadcode -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.UncheckedReturn -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.getpw -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.gets -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mktemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.mkstemp -analyzer-checker=security.insecureAPI.vfork -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullPassedToNonnull -analyzer-checker=nullability.NullReturnedFromNonnull -analyzer-output plist -w -setup-static-analyzer -mrelocation-model pic -pic-level 2 -pic-is-pie -mframe-pointer=none -fmath-errno -ffp-contract=on -fno-rounding-math -mconstructor-aliases -funwind-tables=2 -target-cpu x86-64 -target-feature +sse2 -tune-cpu generic -debugger-tuning=gdb -fdebug-compilation-dir=/home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/lib/nnc -fcoverage-compilation-dir=/home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/lib/nnc -resource-dir /usr/local/lib/clang/19 -I ../ -I /usr/local/cuda/include -D HAVE_CBLAS -D HAVE_LIBPNG -D HAVE_LIBJPEG -D HAVE_FFTW3 -D HAVE_PTHREAD -D HAVE_LIBLINEAR -D HAVE_TESSERACT -D HAVE_AVCODEC -D HAVE_AVFORMAT -D HAVE_AVUTIL -D HAVE_SWSCALE -D HAVE_SSE2 -D HAVE_GSL -D HAVE_CUDA -D HAVE_CUDNN -D HAVE_NCCL -D USE_SYSTEM_CUB -I /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/lib/clang/19/include -internal-isystem /usr/local/include -internal-isystem /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/12/../../../../x86_64-linux-gnu/include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu -internal-externc-isystem /include -internal-externc-isystem /usr/include -O3 -ferror-limit 19 -fgnuc-version=4.2.1 -fskip-odr-check-in-gmf -vectorize-loops -vectorize-slp -analyzer-output=html -faddrsig -D__GCC_HAVE_DWARF2_CFI_ASM=1 -o /home/liu/actions-runner/_work/ccv/ccv/_analyze/2025-01-21-185238-267098-1 -x c ccv_nnc_micro.c
1#include "ccv_nnc.h"
2#include "ccv_nnc_easy.h"
3#include "ccv_nnc_internal.h"
4#include "ccv_internal.h"
5#include "_ccv_nnc_micro.h"
6#include "3rdparty/khash/khash.h"
8// MARK - Level-1 API
10KHASH_MAP_INIT_STR(ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar, uint32_t)typedef struct kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_s { khint_t n_buckets
, size, n_occupied, upper_bound; khint32_t *flags; kh_cstr_t *
keys; uint32_t *vals; } kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t; static
inline __attribute__ ((__unused__)) kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t
*kh_init_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar(void) { return (kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t
*)calloc(1,sizeof(kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t)); } static inline
__attribute__ ((__unused__)) void kh_destroy_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar
(kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t *h) { if (h) { free((void *)h
->keys); free(h->flags); free((void *)h->vals); free
(h); } } static inline __attribute__ ((__unused__)) void kh_clear_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar
(kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t *h) { if (h && h->
flags) { memset(h->flags, 0xaa, ((h->n_buckets) < 16
? 1 : (h->n_buckets)>>4) * sizeof(khint32_t)); h->
size = h->n_occupied = 0; } } static inline __attribute__ (
(__unused__)) khint_t kh_get_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar(const kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t
*h, kh_cstr_t key) { if (h->n_buckets) { khint_t k, i, last
, mask, step = 0; mask = h->n_buckets - 1; k = __ac_X31_hash_string
(key); i = k & mask; last = i; while (!((h->flags[i>>
4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&2) && (((h->
flags[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&1) || !
(strcmp(h->keys[i], key) == 0))) { i = (i + (++step)) &
mask; if (i == last) return h->n_buckets; } return ((h->
flags[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&3)? h->
n_buckets : i; } else return 0; } static inline __attribute__
((__unused__)) int kh_resize_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar(kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t
*h, khint_t new_n_buckets) { khint32_t *new_flags = 0; khint_t
j = 1; { (--(new_n_buckets), (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets
)>>1, (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets)>>2, (new_n_buckets
)|=(new_n_buckets)>>4, (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets)
>>8, (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets)>>16, ++(new_n_buckets
)); if (new_n_buckets < 4) new_n_buckets = 4; if (h->size
>= (khint_t)(new_n_buckets * __ac_HASH_UPPER + 0.5)) j = 0
; else { new_flags = (khint32_t*)malloc(((new_n_buckets) <
16? 1 : (new_n_buckets)>>4) * sizeof(khint32_t)); if (
!new_flags) return -1; memset(new_flags, 0xaa, ((new_n_buckets
) < 16? 1 : (new_n_buckets)>>4) * sizeof(khint32_t))
; if (h->n_buckets < new_n_buckets) { kh_cstr_t *new_keys
= (kh_cstr_t*)realloc((void *)h->keys,new_n_buckets * sizeof
(kh_cstr_t)); if (!new_keys) { free(new_flags); return -1; } h
->keys = new_keys; if (1) { uint32_t *new_vals = (uint32_t
*)realloc((void *)h->vals,new_n_buckets * sizeof(uint32_t)
); if (!new_vals) { free(new_flags); return -1; } h->vals =
new_vals; } } } } if (j) { for (j = 0; j != h->n_buckets;
++j) { if (((h->flags[j>>4]>>((j&0xfU)<<
1))&3) == 0) { kh_cstr_t key = h->keys[j]; uint32_t val
; khint_t new_mask; new_mask = new_n_buckets - 1; if (1) val =
h->vals[j]; (h->flags[j>>4]|=1ul<<((j&
0xfU)<<1)); while (1) { khint_t k, i, step = 0; k = __ac_X31_hash_string
(key); i = k & new_mask; while (!((new_flags[i>>4]>>
((i&0xfU)<<1))&2)) i = (i + (++step)) & new_mask
; (new_flags[i>>4]&=~(2ul<<((i&0xfU)<<
1))); if (i < h->n_buckets && ((h->flags[i>>
4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&3) == 0) { { kh_cstr_t
tmp = h->keys[i]; h->keys[i] = key; key = tmp; } if (1
) { uint32_t tmp = h->vals[i]; h->vals[i] = val; val = tmp
; } (h->flags[i>>4]|=1ul<<((i&0xfU)<<
1)); } else { h->keys[i] = key; if (1) h->vals[i] = val
; break; } } } } if (h->n_buckets > new_n_buckets) { h->
keys = (kh_cstr_t*)realloc((void *)h->keys,new_n_buckets *
sizeof(kh_cstr_t)); if (1) h->vals = (uint32_t*)realloc((
void *)h->vals,new_n_buckets * sizeof(uint32_t)); } free(h
->flags); h->flags = new_flags; h->n_buckets = new_n_buckets
; h->n_occupied = h->size; h->upper_bound = (khint_t
)(h->n_buckets * __ac_HASH_UPPER + 0.5); } return 0; } static
inline __attribute__ ((__unused__)) khint_t kh_put_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar
(kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t *h, kh_cstr_t key, int *ret) {
khint_t x; if (h->n_occupied >= h->upper_bound) { if
(h->n_buckets > (h->size<<1)) { if (kh_resize_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar
(h, h->n_buckets - 1) < 0) { *ret = -1; return h->n_buckets
; } } else if (kh_resize_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar(h, h->n_buckets
+ 1) < 0) { *ret = -1; return h->n_buckets; } } { khint_t
k, i, site, last, mask = h->n_buckets - 1, step = 0; x = site
= h->n_buckets; k = __ac_X31_hash_string(key); i = k &
mask; if (((h->flags[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<
1))&2)) x = i; else { last = i; while (!((h->flags[i>>
4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&2) && (((h->
flags[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&1) || !
(strcmp(h->keys[i], key) == 0))) { if (((h->flags[i>>
4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&1)) site = i; i = (i +
(++step)) & mask; if (i == last) { x = site; break; } } if
(x == h->n_buckets) { if (((h->flags[i>>4]>>
((i&0xfU)<<1))&2) && site != h->n_buckets
) x = site; else x = i; } } } if (((h->flags[x>>4]>>
((x&0xfU)<<1))&2)) { h->keys[x] = key; (h->
; ++h->size; ++h->n_occupied; *ret = 1; } else if (((h->
flags[x>>4]>>((x&0xfU)<<1))&1)) { h
->keys[x] = key; (h->flags[x>>4]&=~(3ul<<
((x&0xfU)<<1))); ++h->size; *ret = 2; } else *ret
= 0; return x; } static inline __attribute__ ((__unused__)) void
*h, khint_t x) { if (x != h->n_buckets && !((h->
flags[x>>4]>>((x&0xfU)<<1))&3)) { (
--h->size; } }
Null pointer value stored to field 'flags'
Taking true branch
Taking false branch
Calling 'kh_resize_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar'
Taking true branch
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
Taking false branch
Returning without writing to 'h->flags'
Returning from 'kh_resize_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar'
Taking false branch
Array access (via field 'flags') results in a null pointer dereference
12static uint32_t _scalars_lookup(const void* const context, const char* const name)
14 const khash_t(ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar)kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t* const bind_scalars = (const khash_t(ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar)kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t*)context;
15 khiter_t k = kh_get(ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar, bind_scalars, name)kh_get_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar(bind_scalars, name);
16 assert(k != kh_end(bind_scalars))((void) sizeof ((k != ((bind_scalars)->n_buckets)) ? 1 : 0
), __extension__ ({ if (k != ((bind_scalars)->n_buckets)) ;
else __assert_fail ("k != kh_end(bind_scalars)", "ccv_nnc_micro.c"
, 16, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
17 return kh_val(bind_scalars, k)((bind_scalars)->vals[k]);
20KHASH_SET_INIT_INT64(ccv_nnc_ids)typedef struct kh_ccv_nnc_ids_s { khint_t n_buckets, size, n_occupied
, upper_bound; khint32_t *flags; khint64_t *keys; char *vals;
} kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t; static inline __attribute__ ((__unused__
)) kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t *kh_init_ccv_nnc_ids(void) { return (kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t
*)calloc(1,sizeof(kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t)); } static inline __attribute__
((__unused__)) void kh_destroy_ccv_nnc_ids(kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t *
h) { if (h) { free((void *)h->keys); free(h->flags); free
((void *)h->vals); free(h); } } static inline __attribute__
((__unused__)) void kh_clear_ccv_nnc_ids(kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t *h
) { if (h && h->flags) { memset(h->flags, 0xaa,
((h->n_buckets) < 16? 1 : (h->n_buckets)>>4) *
sizeof(khint32_t)); h->size = h->n_occupied = 0; } } static
inline __attribute__ ((__unused__)) khint_t kh_get_ccv_nnc_ids
(const kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t *h, khint64_t key) { if (h->n_buckets
) { khint_t k, i, last, mask, step = 0; mask = h->n_buckets
- 1; k = (khint32_t)((key)>>33^(key)^(key)<<11);
i = k & mask; last = i; while (!((h->flags[i>>4
]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&2) && (((h->
flags[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&1) || !
((h->keys[i]) == (key)))) { i = (i + (++step)) & mask;
if (i == last) return h->n_buckets; } return ((h->flags
[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&3)? h->n_buckets
: i; } else return 0; } static inline __attribute__ ((__unused__
)) int kh_resize_ccv_nnc_ids(kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t *h, khint_t new_n_buckets
) { khint32_t *new_flags = 0; khint_t j = 1; { (--(new_n_buckets
), (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets)>>1, (new_n_buckets)
|=(new_n_buckets)>>2, (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets)>>
4, (new_n_buckets)|=(new_n_buckets)>>8, (new_n_buckets)
|=(new_n_buckets)>>16, ++(new_n_buckets)); if (new_n_buckets
< 4) new_n_buckets = 4; if (h->size >= (khint_t)(new_n_buckets
* __ac_HASH_UPPER + 0.5)) j = 0; else { new_flags = (khint32_t
*)malloc(((new_n_buckets) < 16? 1 : (new_n_buckets)>>
4) * sizeof(khint32_t)); if (!new_flags) return -1; memset(new_flags
, 0xaa, ((new_n_buckets) < 16? 1 : (new_n_buckets)>>
4) * sizeof(khint32_t)); if (h->n_buckets < new_n_buckets
) { khint64_t *new_keys = (khint64_t*)realloc((void *)h->keys
,new_n_buckets * sizeof(khint64_t)); if (!new_keys) { free(new_flags
); return -1; } h->keys = new_keys; if (0) { char *new_vals
= (char*)realloc((void *)h->vals,new_n_buckets * sizeof(char
)); if (!new_vals) { free(new_flags); return -1; } h->vals
= new_vals; } } } } if (j) { for (j = 0; j != h->n_buckets
; ++j) { if (((h->flags[j>>4]>>((j&0xfU)<<
1))&3) == 0) { khint64_t key = h->keys[j]; char val; khint_t
new_mask; new_mask = new_n_buckets - 1; if (0) val = h->vals
[j]; (h->flags[j>>4]|=1ul<<((j&0xfU)<<
1)); while (1) { khint_t k, i, step = 0; k = (khint32_t)((key
)>>33^(key)^(key)<<11); i = k & new_mask; while
2)) i = (i + (++step)) & new_mask; (new_flags[i>>4]
&=~(2ul<<((i&0xfU)<<1))); if (i < h->
n_buckets && ((h->flags[i>>4]>>((i&
0xfU)<<1))&3) == 0) { { khint64_t tmp = h->keys[
i]; h->keys[i] = key; key = tmp; } if (0) { char tmp = h->
vals[i]; h->vals[i] = val; val = tmp; } (h->flags[i>>
4]|=1ul<<((i&0xfU)<<1)); } else { h->keys[
i] = key; if (0) h->vals[i] = val; break; } } } } if (h->
n_buckets > new_n_buckets) { h->keys = (khint64_t*)realloc
((void *)h->keys,new_n_buckets * sizeof(khint64_t)); if (0
) h->vals = (char*)realloc((void *)h->vals,new_n_buckets
* sizeof(char)); } free(h->flags); h->flags = new_flags
; h->n_buckets = new_n_buckets; h->n_occupied = h->size
; h->upper_bound = (khint_t)(h->n_buckets * __ac_HASH_UPPER
+ 0.5); } return 0; } static inline __attribute__ ((__unused__
)) khint_t kh_put_ccv_nnc_ids(kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t *h, khint64_t key
, int *ret) { khint_t x; if (h->n_occupied >= h->upper_bound
) { if (h->n_buckets > (h->size<<1)) { if (kh_resize_ccv_nnc_ids
(h, h->n_buckets - 1) < 0) { *ret = -1; return h->n_buckets
; } } else if (kh_resize_ccv_nnc_ids(h, h->n_buckets + 1) <
0) { *ret = -1; return h->n_buckets; } } { khint_t k, i, site
, last, mask = h->n_buckets - 1, step = 0; x = site = h->
n_buckets; k = (khint32_t)((key)>>33^(key)^(key)<<
11); i = k & mask; if (((h->flags[i>>4]>>(
(i&0xfU)<<1))&2)) x = i; else { last = i; while
2) && (((h->flags[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)
<<1))&1) || !((h->keys[i]) == (key)))) { if (((h
) site = i; i = (i + (++step)) & mask; if (i == last) { x
= site; break; } } if (x == h->n_buckets) { if (((h->flags
[i>>4]>>((i&0xfU)<<1))&2) &&
site != h->n_buckets) x = site; else x = i; } } } if (((h
) { h->keys[x] = key; (h->flags[x>>4]&=~(3ul<<
((x&0xfU)<<1))); ++h->size; ++h->n_occupied; *
ret = 1; } else if (((h->flags[x>>4]>>((x&
0xfU)<<1))&1)) { h->keys[x] = key; (h->flags[
x>>4]&=~(3ul<<((x&0xfU)<<1))); ++h->
size; *ret = 2; } else *ret = 0; return x; } static inline __attribute__
((__unused__)) void kh_del_ccv_nnc_ids(kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t *h, khint_t
x) { if (x != h->n_buckets && !((h->flags[x>>
4]>>((x&0xfU)<<1))&3)) { (h->flags[x>>
4]|=1ul<<((x&0xfU)<<1)); --h->size; } }
22CCV_WARN_UNUSED(ccv_nnc_micro_combine_t*)ccv_nnc_micro_combine_t* __attribute__((warn_unused_result)) ccv_nnc_micro_combine_new(const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t* const inputs, const int input_size, const char* const* const parameters, const int parameter_size, const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t* const outputs, const int output_size, const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t* const ingrads, const int ingrad_size, const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t* const outgrads, const int outgrad_size)
24 assert(output_size > 0)((void) sizeof ((output_size > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (output_size > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("output_size > 0"
, "ccv_nnc_micro.c", 24, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
Assuming 'output_size' is > 0
Taking true branch
25 assert(input_size > 0)((void) sizeof ((input_size > 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (input_size > 0) ; else __assert_fail ("input_size > 0"
, "ccv_nnc_micro.c", 25, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
Assuming 'input_size' is > 0
Taking true branch
26 int i, j, k;
27 // First, do reverse topological sort (from output and then reverse the order).
28 // We can do this simple thing because there is no overlaps of the outputs, thus, no cases where
29 // output[0] is the input for output[1]. Otherwise we need to detect this, see ccv_cnnp_model_new
30 // for more details on why.
31 for (i = 0; i < output_size - 1; i++)
Assuming the condition is false
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 34
32 for (j = i + 1; j < output_size; j++)
33 { assert(outputs[i] != outputs[j])((void) sizeof ((outputs[i] != outputs[j]) ? 1 : 0), __extension__
({ if (outputs[i] != outputs[j]) ; else __assert_fail ("outputs[i] != outputs[j]"
, "ccv_nnc_micro.c", 33, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
; }
34 uint64_t input_bitmask[((input_size - 1) >> 6) + 1];
35 memset(input_bitmask, 0, sizeof(uint64_t) * (((input_size - 1) >> 6) + 1));
36 ccv_array_t* const reverse_top = ccv_array_new(sizeof(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t), output_size + input_size, 0);
37 ccv_array_resize(reverse_top, output_size);
38 memcpy(ccv_array_get(reverse_top, 0)((void*)(((char*)((reverse_top)->data)) + (size_t)(reverse_top
)->rsize * (size_t)(0)))
, outputs, sizeof(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t) * output_size);
39 khash_t(ccv_nnc_ids)kh_ccv_nnc_ids_t* const ids = kh_init(ccv_nnc_ids)kh_init_ccv_nnc_ids();
40 for (i = 0; i < reverse_top->rnum; i++)
Assuming 'i' is < field 'rnum'
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Assuming 'i' is >= field 'rnum'
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 59
41 {
42 const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t output = *(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t*)ccv_array_get(reverse_top, i)((void*)(((char*)((reverse_top)->data)) + (size_t)(reverse_top
)->rsize * (size_t)(i)))
43 for (j = 0; j < output->input_size; j++)
Assuming 'j' is < field 'input_size'
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Assuming 'j' is >= field 'input_size'
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 40
44 if (!CCV_NNC_IS_MICRO_IO_INPUT(output->inputs[j])((output->inputs[j])->isa == &ccv_nnc_micro_io_input_isa
Assuming the condition is false
Taking false branch
45 {
46 int ret;
47 kh_put(ccv_nnc_ids, ids, (int64_t)(intptr_t)output->inputs[j], &ret)kh_put_ccv_nnc_ids(ids, (int64_t)(intptr_t)output->inputs[
j], &ret)
48 if (ret != 0)
49 ccv_array_push(reverse_top, &output->inputs[j]);
50 } else {
51 // This is an input, it must be represented in inputs, try to find it.
52 for (k = 0; k
'k' is < 'input_size'
< input_size; k++)
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
53 if (inputs[k] == output->inputs[j])
Assuming the condition is true
Taking true branch
54 break;
Execution continues on line 55
55 assert(k < input_size)((void) sizeof ((k < input_size) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ (
{ if (k < input_size) ; else __assert_fail ("k < input_size"
, "ccv_nnc_micro.c", 55, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
; // Cannot find the inputs, error!
Taking true branch
56 input_bitmask[k >> 6] |= ((uint64_t)1 << (k & 63));
57 }
58 }
59 kh_destroy(ccv_nnc_ids, ids)kh_destroy_ccv_nnc_ids(ids);
60 for (i = 0; i
'i' is < 'input_size'
< input_size
; i++)
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
Assuming 'i' is >= 'input_size'
Loop condition is false. Execution continues on line 63
61 { assert((input_bitmask[i >> 6] & ((uint64_t)1 << (i & 63))))((void) sizeof (((input_bitmask[i >> 6] & ((uint64_t
)1 << (i & 63)))) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if ((input_bitmask
[i >> 6] & ((uint64_t)1 << (i & 63)))) ; else
__assert_fail ("(input_bitmask[i >> 6] & ((uint64_t)1 << (i & 63)))"
, "ccv_nnc_micro.c", 61, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }
; } // Assuming they all match.
Taking true branch
62 // Second, binding parameters (bounded scalars).
63 khash_t(ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar)kh_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar_t* const bind_scalars = kh_init(ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar)kh_init_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar();
Calling 'kh_init_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar'
Returning from 'kh_init_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar'
64 for (i = 0; i < parameter_size; i++)
Assuming 'i' is < 'parameter_size'
Loop condition is true. Entering loop body
65 {
66 int ret;
67 khiter_t k = kh_put(ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar, bind_scalars, parameters[i], &ret)kh_put_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar(bind_scalars, parameters[i],
Calling 'kh_put_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar'
68 assert(ret != 0)((void) sizeof ((ret != 0) ? 1 : 0), __extension__ ({ if (ret
!= 0) ; else __assert_fail ("ret != 0", "ccv_nnc_micro.c", 68
, __extension__ __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); }))
69 kh_val(bind_scalars, k)((bind_scalars)->vals[k]) = i;
70 }
71 for (i = 0; i < reverse_top->rnum; i++)
72 {
73 const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t output = *(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t*)ccv_array_get(reverse_top, reverse_top->rnum - 1 - i)((void*)(((char*)((reverse_top)->data)) + (size_t)(reverse_top
)->rsize * (size_t)(reverse_top->rnum - 1 - i)))
74 ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalars(output, _scalars_lookup, bind_scalars);
75 }
76 kh_destroy(ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar, bind_scalars)kh_destroy_ccv_nnc_micro_bind_scalar(bind_scalars);
77 const int var_count = reverse_top->rnum + input_size;
78 // Applying numbering for the inputs. Note that our variables are numbered in reverse topological order.
79 for (i = 0; i < input_size; i++)
80 ccv_nnc_micro_numbering(inputs[i], i, var_count);
81 ccv_array_t* const equal_assertions = ccv_array_new(sizeof(ccv_nnc_micro_id_equal_assertion_t), 0, 0);
82 // Applying numbering for the outputs and collect equal assertions.
83 for (i = reverse_top->rnum - 1; i >= 0; i--)
84 {
85 const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t output = *(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t*)ccv_array_get(reverse_top, reverse_top->rnum - 1 - i)((void*)(((char*)((reverse_top)->data)) + (size_t)(reverse_top
)->rsize * (size_t)(reverse_top->rnum - 1 - i)))
86 ccv_nnc_micro_numbering(output, i + input_size, var_count);
87 ccv_nnc_micro_equal_assertions(output, equal_assertions);
88 }
89 for (i = 0; i < ingrad_size; i++)
90 ccv_nnc_micro_numbering(ingrads[i], -1, var_count);
91 for (i = 0; i < outgrad_size; i++)
92 ccv_nnc_micro_numbering(outgrads[i], -1, var_count);
93 // Fill in shapes for variables.
94 ccv_nnc_micro_tensor_t* const vars = (ccv_nnc_micro_tensor_t*)cccalloccalloc(var_count * 2, sizeof(ccv_nnc_micro_tensor_t));
95 for (i = 0; i < input_size; i++)
96 {
97 vars[i].dimensions = inputs[i]->dimensions;
98 vars[i].input = -1;
99 }
100 for (i = 0; i < reverse_top->rnum; i++)
101 {
102 const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t output = *(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t*)ccv_array_get(reverse_top, reverse_top->rnum - 1 - i)((void*)(((char*)((reverse_top)->data)) + (size_t)(reverse_top
)->rsize * (size_t)(reverse_top->rnum - 1 - i)))
103 vars[i + input_size] = ccv_nnc_micro_return_shape(output);
104 }
105 for (i = var_count; i < 2 * var_count; i++)
106 {
107 vars[i].dimensions = vars[2 * var_count - 1 - i].dimensions;
108 vars[i].input = 2 * var_count - 1 - i;
109 }
110 // Lower each ccv_nnc_micro_io_t (except the input) op into nested loops such that we can
111 // apply optimizations later.
112 int function_count = reverse_top->rnum;
113 ccv_nnc_micro_function_t* functions = (ccv_nnc_micro_function_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_nnc_micro_function_t) * function_count);
114 for (i = 0; i < function_count; i++)
115 {
116 const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t output = *(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t*)ccv_array_get(reverse_top, function_count - 1 - i)((void*)(((char*)((reverse_top)->data)) + (size_t)(reverse_top
)->rsize * (size_t)(function_count - 1 - i)))
117 functions[i] = ccv_nnc_micro_emit(output);
118 }
119 ccv_nnc_micro_combine_t* const combine = (ccv_nnc_micro_combine_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_nnc_micro_combine_t));
120 combine->parameter_size = parameter_size;
121 combine->forward.input_size = input_size;
122 combine->forward.inputs = (int*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(int) * (input_size + output_size));
123 for (i = 0; i < input_size; i++)
124 combine->forward.inputs[i] = inputs[i]->id;
125 combine->forward.output_size = output_size;
126 combine->forward.outputs = combine->forward.inputs + input_size;
127 for (i = 0; i < output_size; i++)
128 combine->forward.outputs[i] = outputs[i]->id;
129 combine->forward.var_count = var_count;
130 // We copied forward.vars so backward.vars and forward.vars can maintain separate states.
131 // However, shape and related allocations are shared because these are not going to be mutated.
132 combine->forward.vars = (ccv_nnc_micro_tensor_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_nnc_micro_tensor_t) * var_count);
133 memcpy(combine->forward.vars, vars, sizeof(ccv_nnc_micro_tensor_t) * var_count);
134 combine->forward.function_count = function_count;
135 combine->forward.functions = functions;
136 ccv_nnc_micro_program_simplify(&combine->forward, inputs, input_size, outputs, output_size, equal_assertions);
137 function_count = reverse_top->rnum * 2;
138 functions = (ccv_nnc_micro_function_t*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(ccv_nnc_micro_function_t) * function_count);
139 for (i = 0; i < reverse_top->rnum; i++)
140 {
141 const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t output = *(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t*)ccv_array_get(reverse_top, reverse_top->rnum - 1 - i)((void*)(((char*)((reverse_top)->data)) + (size_t)(reverse_top
)->rsize * (size_t)(reverse_top->rnum - 1 - i)))
142 functions[i] = ccv_nnc_micro_emit(output);
143 }
144 for (i = reverse_top->rnum; i < function_count; i++)
145 {
146 const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t output = *(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t*)ccv_array_get(reverse_top, i - reverse_top->rnum)((void*)(((char*)((reverse_top)->data)) + (size_t)(reverse_top
)->rsize * (size_t)(i - reverse_top->rnum)))
147 functions[i] = ccv_nnc_micro_emit_grad(output, var_count);
148 }
149 combine->backward.input_size = ingrad_size;
150 combine->backward.inputs = ingrad_size + outgrad_size > 0 ? (int*)ccmallocmalloc(sizeof(int) * (ingrad_size + outgrad_size)) : 0;
151 for (i = 0; i < ingrad_size; i++)
152 combine->backward.inputs[i] = ingrads[i]->id;
153 combine->backward.output_size = outgrad_size;
154 combine->backward.outputs = outgrad_size > 0 ? combine->backward.inputs + ingrad_size : 0;
155 for (i = 0; i < outgrad_size; i++)
156 combine->backward.outputs[i] = outgrads[i]->id;
157 combine->backward.var_count = var_count * 2;
158 combine->backward.vars = vars;
159 combine->backward.function_count = function_count;
160 combine->backward.functions = functions;
161 ccv_nnc_micro_program_simplify(&combine->backward, ingrads, ingrad_size, outgrads, outgrad_size, equal_assertions);
162 combine->equal_assertions = equal_assertions;
163 for (i = 0; i < reverse_top->rnum; i++)
164 {
165 const ccv_nnc_micro_io_t output = *(ccv_nnc_micro_io_t*)ccv_array_get(reverse_top, i)((void*)(((char*)((reverse_top)->data)) + (size_t)(reverse_top
)->rsize * (size_t)(i)))
166 ccv_nnc_micro_deinit(output);
167 ccfreefree(output);
168 }
169 ccv_array_free(reverse_top);
170 // It may overlap with inputs, in that case, skip.
171 for (i = 0; i < ingrad_size; i++)
172 {
173 int flag = 0;
174 for (j = 0; !flag && j < input_size; j++)
175 flag = (inputs[j] == ingrads[i]);
176 if (!flag)
177 {
178 ccv_nnc_micro_deinit(ingrads[i]);
179 ccfreefree(ingrads[i]);
180 }
181 }
182 for (i = 0; i < input_size; i++)
183 {
184 ccv_nnc_micro_deinit(inputs[i]);
185 ccfreefree(inputs[i]);
186 }
187 for (i = 0; i < outgrad_size; i++) // Should be no overlap on outgrads.
188 {
189 ccv_nnc_micro_deinit(outgrads[i]);
190 ccfreefree(outgrads[i]);
191 }
192 return combine;
195void ccv_nnc_micro_loop_index_free(ccv_nnc_micro_loop_index_term_t* const term)
198 {
199 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_index_free(&term->binary->left);
200 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_index_free(&term->binary->right);
201 ccfreefree(term->binary);
202 }
205void ccv_nnc_micro_loop_variable_free(ccv_nnc_micro_loop_variable_t* const var)
207 int i;
208 for (i = 0; i < var->index_count; i++)
209 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_index_free(&var->index[i]);
212static void _ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_free(ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_t* const expr)
214 switch (expr->type)
215 {
217 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_variable_free(&expr->variable);
218 break;
219 }
221 _ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_free(expr->unary.x);
222 ccfreefree(expr->unary.x);
223 break;
224 }
226 _ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_free(expr->binary.left);
227 ccfreefree(expr->binary.left);
228 _ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_free(expr->binary.right);
229 ccfreefree(expr->binary.right);
230 break;
231 }
233 _ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_free(expr->ternary.pivot);
234 ccfreefree(expr->ternary.pivot);
235 _ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_free(expr->ternary.left);
236 ccfreefree(expr->ternary.left);
237 _ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_free(expr->ternary.right);
238 ccfreefree(expr->ternary.right);
239 break;
240 }
241 }
244void ccv_nnc_micro_loop_statement_lvalue_free(ccv_nnc_micro_loop_statement_t* const statement)
246 switch (statement->type)
247 {
249 if (statement->compound_assignment.lvalue.type == CCV_NNC_MICRO_LOOP_EXPR_TYPE_VAR)
250 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_variable_free(&statement->compound_assignment.lvalue.variable);
251 break;
252 }
254 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_variable_free(&statement->assignment.lvalue);
255 break;
256 }
257 }
260void ccv_nnc_micro_loop_statement_free(ccv_nnc_micro_loop_statement_t* const statement)
262 switch (statement->type)
263 {
265 if (statement->compound_assignment.lvalue.type == CCV_NNC_MICRO_LOOP_EXPR_TYPE_VAR)
266 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_variable_free(&statement->compound_assignment.lvalue.variable);
267 _ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_free(&statement->compound_assignment.rvalue);
268 break;
269 }
271 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_variable_free(&statement->assignment.lvalue);
272 _ccv_nnc_micro_loop_expression_free(&statement->assignment.rvalue);
273 break;
274 }
275 }
278void ccv_nnc_micro_loops_free(ccv_nnc_micro_loop_t* const loops, const int loop_count)
280 int i, j;
281 for (i = 0; i < loop_count; i++)
282 {
283 for (j = 0; j < loops[i].statement_count; j++)
284 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_statement_free(&loops[i].statements[j]);
285 if (loops[i].statements)
286 ccfreefree(loops[i].statements);
287 if (loops[i].carrieds)
288 ccfreefree(loops[i].carrieds);
289 }
292void ccv_nnc_micro_combine_free(ccv_nnc_micro_combine_t* const combine)
294 int i, j;
295 const int var_count = combine->forward.var_count;
296 for (i = 0; i < var_count; i++)
297 if (combine->forward.vars[i].shape)
298 {
299 for (j = 0; j < combine->forward.vars[i].dimensions; j++)
300 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_index_free(&combine->forward.vars[i].shape[j]);
301 ccfreefree(combine->forward.vars[i].shape);
302 }
303 ccfreefree(combine->forward.vars);
304 ccfreefree(combine->backward.vars);
305 int function_count = combine->forward.function_count;
306 for (i = 0; i < function_count; i++)
307 {
308 const int block_count = combine->forward.functions[i].block_count;
309 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_block_t* const blocks = (block_count == 1) ? &combine->forward.functions[i].one_block : combine->forward.functions[i].blocks;
310 for (j = 0; j < block_count; j++)
311 {
312 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_block_t block = blocks[j];
313 ccv_nnc_micro_loops_free(block.loops, block.loop_count);
314 ccfreefree(block.loops);
315 }
316 if (block_count > 1)
317 ccfreefree(combine->forward.functions[i].blocks);
318 }
319 ccfreefree(combine->forward.functions);
320 ccfreefree(combine->forward.inputs);
321 // Backward and forward share the same vars.
322 function_count = combine->backward.function_count;
323 for (i = 0; i < function_count; i++)
324 {
325 const int block_count = combine->backward.functions[i].block_count;
326 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_block_t* const blocks = (block_count == 1) ? &combine->backward.functions[i].one_block : combine->backward.functions[i].blocks;
327 for (j = 0; j < block_count; j++)
328 {
329 ccv_nnc_micro_loop_block_t block = blocks[j];
330 ccv_nnc_micro_loops_free(block.loops, block.loop_count);
331 ccfreefree(block.loops);
332 }
333 if (block_count > 1)
334 ccfreefree(combine->backward.functions[i].blocks);
335 }
336 ccfreefree(combine->backward.functions);
337 if (combine->backward.inputs)
338 ccfreefree(combine->backward.inputs);
339 ccv_array_free(combine->equal_assertions);
340 ccfreefree(combine);
343char* ccv_nnc_micro_combine_c(ccv_nnc_micro_combine_t* const combine)
345 return 0;